Alright, well on my last entry I told you all about me and Jevan going on a really long photoshoot, and I told you all I would post some more pics that I took. These are most of the decent to good pics that I took, anyways in a couple I'm not in them its me in the moonlight, but its my idea I just couldn't take the pic. A lot of the pics we took, we couldn't figure out who took what but we could pretty much figure out whose idea was whose. I'm pretty sure these are all mine, just in case jevan I might have stolen any of your pics jevan...let me know. I'm about 99% sure these are all mine enjoy you guys, lemme know what you think, PLEASE! Everybody who looks at these pics....PLEASE COMMENT, lemme know, i'm really effing curious to what you people think.
just goofin off!
jevan took a bunch of pics too but this post is getting really long so I'll just let him post those pics if he wants.
Jevan took this pic:
Oh and if you're wonderin what some of those weird colors like the red and green in weird spots on the pics, its a lens flare that we couldn't figure out where it was coming from or we would have fixed it.