I have a new favourite show ever. It's got rifts in time and space! Dinosaurs! Scottish people!
It is, of course, absolutely ridiculous.
Dinosaurs are coming through a rift in time and wreaking havoc on England. As you do. I know if I were a dinosaur, I'd be heading straight to England. I'd be all: "The Bahamas? No, thank you. Madrid? You've got to be joking. London, please." (Because, if I were a dinosaur, I'd be one of those educated dinosaurs with a grasp of English. An Edumacatamasaurus. (AKA Smartypantsasaurus Rex.))
So. There's a conspiracy theorist who has a computer. A Scottish man with a disappeareded wife. A man who's about two inches off being Me!Bait and spends his time tracking things, like dinosaurs, which means that he spends the entire time wandering around and looking intent while wearing an overly large leather jacket. Which is how I like my men. Or something.
There's also a junior member of the Home Office who spends her time wearing inappropriate clothing in forests. And a Lizard specialist (who I'm going to call a Lizardologist at every given opportunity) who spends her time running through forests in marginally more appropriate clothing, being peroxide blonde and fondling flying lizards.
It has everything. (Except people exploding. But there's been a dearth of people exploding lately and I think it's a travesty.)
So, yes.
My cat just licked my nose. Nostril. ... Nostrils. *throws cat across room*
I think that's as appropriate way as any to end this entry. Except that he just tried to use my boobs as a launching pad and that really needed to be added so that everyone could know just how irritatingly stoopy my cat is. Seriously. He was all 'Boobs! Whee!'
(Also, I was considering writing an SGA AU to attempt to get the juices flowing on my inadvertently epic debut fic. I think my brain's been eaten and replaced with a series of 'Lizards have two penises and large horned beetles have small testicles' jokes.)