Okay I was going to post this in my last entry
(all of 15 minutes ago)
But then I figured it was a tad bit long anyway
and I had a brain fart and completely forgot
But I while in my Sunday school class
We were talking about the original sin
and I came up with this... something
Thought, Poem, brain puke?
Im not sure
I'm thinking of making it into a banner
I even found a really great picture for it So Im going to throw it up her
And PLEASE tell me what you guys think
I know your all busy
Just throw up a Yay Or Nay
I'm Glad I have Sinned
I Couldn't Begin to Imagine
Not being able to see the World
As I do now
It May be a burden
To see the world
with my eyes open
But I can I can also see the beauty
that resounds through us all
And to have that taken away
would be closer to hell
than any Sin I have ever committed
... Kinda sucks looking back at it XD
Oh well
Any criticism and corrections would be welcome as well