Very spoilerish so if you havent seen the movie yet or dont want to hear of some of its more disturbing and sickening qualities then dont click
Um ya....
Im alternately going between shocked and nauseous
oh dont get me wrong, I think its a great movie that did the games justice
(all though once I think it's safe to turn off the light I'll probably have more critisim for it)
its just that its hard for me to stomache the thought of someone being able to do that to a child... and then that child creating that much hatred and blood lust.
Every time I close my eyes I see that small burnt nine year old girl surrounded by bloody rusty barbed wire killing all those around her will relish and glee ...
excuse me I think Im going to curl up with Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and stuffed animal until Im no longer afraid to turn off the light...