rereading myself

May 15, 2007 23:51

The midnight madness is upon me again, and there is so much now... I have laryngitis and bronchitis, so I've been so frustrated for days, I can't remember the last time I was this sick, and I'm so glad the new job hasn't started yet... but it hasn't started because there was massive turnover and manager beheadings at the hospital I interviewed at, a reminder that this kind of instability was part of what drove me away from nursing to begin with.  Last time this kind of crazy Russian roulette situation happened, I was the only senior staff nurse left to run an entire floor and stepdown unit by myself for 3 months until a replacement manager could be found.  And if you've never heard Bill Cosby say this, I feel the same way: I am not the boss.  I don't want to be the boss.  I have seen the boss's job and I have no interest in it whatsoever.  
So that's why I'm still not working.  I will call HR again tomorrow, and probably get the same response: they don't know anything yet, and they don't know when they will know anything more.  I am in limbo, and the job I want will now probably be in limbo indefinitely.
So I've applied for other positions, but I've used the time, too, to be by myself and think.  I wondered how I was going to tell my new manager that I was pregnant.  And yes, I was.  Two weeks ago, I was pregnant.  I was barely pregnant, but it was an eye opener.  I've used this forum often enough to specify that I would dearly love to have another child, that I have something of an obsession with whether I will ever have any other children, even though I know that I will have to go the careful bedrest and almost immediate daycare route with this one.  I can't rearrange my life any more than I ever did for Brandon, try as I might.  I did manage to keep him out of daycare for 3 years.... and there's no telling what I would do if I had to, just as I did with Brandon.  Nights, weekends... I'm so tired of the craziness, but I would do it again.  And last week, just as suddenly, the lab results came back and I was no longer pregnant.  I still have some conflicting feelings about it, too... I knew my progesterone levels were low, probably too low to sustain the pregnancy, but I didn't even argue when the nurse practicioner told me she didn't suggest supplementing the progesterone.  I didn't even ask why... which is unusual for me.  I might still be pregnant now if I had... but then again, I might not.  
When the NP called back last week to give me the news, I asked for patches.  Brent is disappointed, he wants to try some more, but I'm just tired.  Maybe in a couple of years I'll be ready to try again, but right now I'm just relieved and conflicted and I don't want to think about it again for a little while.  We disagreed, but I won--it's my body.  I feel badly about it, but I'm not totally without comfort.
We started going to church.  Now, Brent and I have this historically crazy disagreement about church.  He's Baptist, and I was baptized in a Methodist church--sprinkled.  And he claims that I haven't been properly baptized.  We were married by a Presbyterian minister, and I don't get especially worked up about denominational differences--the message is usually the same.  I don't think man is meant to understand everything in the Bible, and I don't think God minds if we get a few details wrong as long as our intent is pure.  I'm somewhat liberal-minded about this.  So we start attending a Christian church here in Savannah, and there are nice people here and the ministers are smart and make a lot of sense and talk about important things--and we like it.  Something we've finally agreed on after 8 years.  And this is going to sound crazy, but I'm standing in church Sunday, after finding out that I have no child coming after all, and no job, and everything crashing around my head, and everything I've been holding in comes out, and I tear up.  I can't control it, I can't breathe, I can't think any more.  And I feel very strongly like something, someone else is holding me up, because I'm trying like crazy to sit down for a second; and like a whisper in my ear, I hear "I have other plans for you".  I thought the man next to me had spoken (I was actually kind of panicking that he'd said that to me), and then I realized that he hadn't said anything.  And I wouldn't bring it up, probably would never have shared it with anyone, I haven't even told Brent about it, but I know that the only people reading this aren't going to think I'm crazy after all.  Maybe a little too stressed, and maybe a little suggestive right now, but when you get down to it, it was an answer.  I never asked the questions out loud, but I'd been thinking them, and now I have an answer.  I don't know many people who get one.  I feel very strongly about it, but I don't have many people I can talk to about it.  I guess I'm waiting to find out what that meant, and looking for the signs to point me in the direction of my plan.
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