Jan 26, 2005 01:17

1.) What year was it?

- 2001-2002

2.) What were your three favourite bands?

- Aerosmith, Metallica, Powerman 5000, Everclear, 311, Big Bad VooDoo Daddies, Reel Big Fish etc etc etc

3.) What was your favorite outfit?

- jeans a tshirt and a light jacket

4.) Who were your best friends?

- Tammy, Frankie, Kyle, Carrie, Dan oh god... Senior year is a blur

5.) What did you do after school?

- Spent most of my time at the college just hanging out between classes... then would go over to kyles house or come home with kyle

6.) Did you take the bus?

- Unfortunately

7.) Who did you have a crush on?

- Was dating Kyle

8.) Did you fight with your parent(s)?

- As much as if not less than any other teenager would... but not a whole lot... they spent more time fighting with each other really

9.) Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?

- Johnny Depp

10.) Did you smoke cigarettes?

- yes

11.) Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?

- I didn't have a locker... and not a whole lot of books for high school at least

12.) Did you have a 'clique'?

- Not really... when my senior year came I was kinda a loner because I never really developed any friendships with people that I hadn't known from middle school and they all dropped out, plus I only took 4 or 5 classes my senior year

13.) Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater?

- The Lounge at EdCC

14.) Admit it, were you popular?

- I was a loner... a lot of people knew who I was but no one really knew me

15.) Who did you want to be just like?

- The smart yet popular kids

16.) What did you want to be when you grew up?

- A Journalist

17.) Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?

- Going into Graduate school starting my MA
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