xfortytwo's mythical creature meme will take over the world

Jul 30, 2009 12:24

What mythical creature am I?
[x] You are rather wild, and let your instincts run you.
[ ] You get drunk a lot.
[x] Bravery and boldness is second nature to you.
[ ] You have a deep love for astronomy and the universe.
[ ] You like to read your daily horoscope.
[x] You have a high level of pride in yourself.
[ ] In the woods is the best place for you to be.
[ ] The horse is your favorite animal.
[x] You are possessive and territorial.
Total: 4

[ ] Your ears are slightly pointed at the tips.
[x] You are very intelligent. (more than I let on, it gives me an advantage)
[x] Your five senses are extremely keen.
[ ] Your weight is quite a bit lighter than the average person at your particular height.
[ ] You always wear elegant clothes
[x] You speak as politely as possible.
[ ] You are most at peace when you are gazing at something beautiful.
[x] You look very young for your age.
[x] You rarely get sick.
[x] You are a very hard worker.
[ ] Above all other superpowers, you would love to read minds or see the future.
Total: 6

[x] You are happy a lot of the time.
[x] The best superpower to you would be to fly.
[ ] You are very shy.
[ ] You love the forest and plant life in general.
[x] You are always willing to help others, even if you might not be the best to offer aid.
[ ] You are young and short.
[x] Dancing is one of your favorite pastimes.
[x] If someone ticks you off, you are very clever with getting them back.
[x] Your clothing isn't always presentable, but you are comfortable with what you wear.
[ ] Circles are a wonderful symbol of unity to you.
Total: 6

[ ] You are excellent with crafts and handiwork.
[x] In social situations, you tend to be a little awkward.
[ ] You are short for your age.
[ ] You are an isolationist.
[x] You love to play practical jokes on people.
[ ] You are extremely fascinated with jewelry.
[ ] You look older than your age.
[ ] You love the woods and the mountains.
[x] You are well off, or come from a family that is well off. (The, uh, second one.)
[ ] You have a short temper.
Total: 3

[ ] You are best at talking bad about people behind their backs and not to their face. (Nah, I'm usually nicer behind your back.)
[ ] When you are annoyed, you will go to a great extent to torment whoever did so to you.
[ ] You often take things that aren't yours.
[ ] You are easily angered.
[x] Death fascinates you.
[x] You are female, or a feminine-looking man.
[ ] You associate yourself with the wind element.
[x] You can switch quickly between your light and dark side. (Are we now talking about The Force?)
[x] You love to trick others.
[ ] You have a ravenous appetite.
Total: 4

[ ] You love the beach more so because of the water than the shore itself.
[ ] Fish are some of the most beautiful creatures to you.
[ ] The ultimate superpower to you would be to breathe underwater.
[ ] You enjoy looking at ships, but not riding them, as well as you like ships for traveling, not hunting in the sea.
[ ] You are good at swimming.
[ ] You like to collect shells.
[x] You use sea items as jewelry or decoration.
[x] You enjoy learning about the ocean and the life inside it.
[x] You are extremely against ocean pollution, and someday, perhaps you will work to stop that.
[ ] Legs on land are not as important as a fin in the sea.
Total: 3

[x] You're a night person.
[x] You have a fascination with blood.
[x] You are extremely pale.
[x] You wish you had a bat as a pet.
[ ] You are not religious at all. (I'm open to anything.)
[ ] Tight spaces are not scary or uncomfortable for you.
[x] The sun's glare annoys you all too often.
[ ] You hate food with lots of garlic in it. (Hell no, love it!)
[x] To you, a kiss on the neck is more romantic than a kiss on the cheek or lips.
[x] You don't like sharp objects near you.
Total: 7

[x] The full moon is the most beautiful scene to you.
[ ] You have a lot of body hair.
[x] The ability to shape shift is the best superpower to you.
[ ] You prefer gold over silver items.
[x] You lack self control.
[ ] You find it easier to have sympathy for animals than for humans.
[x] You have a deep respect for wolves and wild dogs.
[ ] You like to be alone.
[x] You have a terrible secret and you only tell people you trust 100% about it. (A?)
[x] You'd rather be outdoors than indoors.
Total: 6

[ ] You love chemistry.
[x] You are intuitive and good at analyzing people, to the point that people seriously or jokingly say you're psychic.
[ ] The most amazing supernatural power to you is controlling the elements.
[x] You are a nature lover.
[x] You have a strong sense of responsibility
[ ] You spend a lot of time alone.
[ ] You usually hang around with a certain animal all the time when you feel lonely.
[x] You are spiritual, but not necessarily religious.
[ ] Cooking is one of your favorite things to do.
[ ] You enjoy learning about Wicca and the occult. (I am not 14 anymore.)
Total: 4

[x] You are pale.
[ ] You are hungry a lot.
[x] Many activities you do every day make you feel mindless, or like a drone.
[ ] Most of the time you or a part of you is cold.
[x] You love to eat meat.
[ ] You would resort to cannibalism if that was the only source of food.
[x] You make grunts and moans a lot.
[x] You enjoy learning about psychology because you study the brain.
[ ] You usually walk slowly.
[x] You are not afraid of seeing a lot of blood or getting a lot of blood on yourself.
Total: 6

[x] You are very passionate about the things you like.
[x] You like to get drunk and dance.
[x] You're very amorous.
[x] You like art and music.
[x] You enjoy feasting with friends.
[x] You love nature, but more for the animals than the trees and plants.
[x] You like getting rowdy and having a good time.
[x] You laugh a lot.
[x] You love the chase almost as much as the capture.
[ ] You wish you had horns
Total: 9

Centaur: 4
Elf: 6
Fairy: 6
Gnome/Dwarf: 3
Harpy/Siren: 4
Mermaid: 3
Vampire: 7
Werewolf: 6
Wizard/Witch: 4
Zombie: 6
Satyr/Faun: 9

Looks like I'm a Satyr/Faun, lol.

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