Jan 31, 2005 23:10
Hey everyone! Sorry its been so long since i last wrote! ;) didnt mean to leave ya'll hanging...lol not much has been goin on really. the new semester started in school n i guess its goin ok. 4th block office kinda sucks becos i feel like its pointless fer me to be in there but oh well. Spirit Week is comin up n im not even excited yet. thats not good fer business. also not excited at all fer YIG. i kinda wish i wasnt goin anymore. oh well. anyhow, just been hangin out lately. chelsea kirchoff is badass. we have awesome good times together. she def. keeps me pissing my pants. lol sarcasm... most definitly. so ive been gettin all those "final notice" college papers. like sending my life away... committing to a school. eek! scares me shitless. i cant believe its time to be a big kid. eek!!!! lol but anyhow im tired so i will go to bed... see ya' later!