100 themes (Cross posted to all my Marvel/fortes pups)

Jun 07, 2010 18:07

Pick a theme or two and I'll do a drabble, just clarify what pups you want in it.

The pups for this are:

horsemanofdeath, wreck_a_little, youngersummers, pacifistninja, computerslvme, dstryabomnation, perfectedweapon, thnderstormrluv
dadysiced_angel, ruinedtradition

1. Chores
2. Happy - for magnetic_pull with ruinedtradition
3. Life
4. Relationship - For movetheearth with Warren horsemanofdeath
5. Play
6. Toy
7. Video Game - For double_dynamite with wreck_a_little
8. Computer
9. Famous
10. Emotion
11. Run
12. Fear - For not_a_popsicle
13. Gamble - blocks_you_out
14. Christmas
15. Animal
16. Wild - redeyesummer
17. Morning - firstwordjarvis
18. Loneliness
19. Friend
20. Pet
21. Grow
22. Japan - for magnetic_pull with ruinedtradition
23. Britian
24. World
25. America
26. Flag
27. Cigarrette
28. Man
29. Earth - For movetheearth
30. Boredom - for time_schizo with horsemanofdeath
31. Sweet
32. Smile
33. Pray
34. God
35. Love - firstwordjarvis
36. Hold - firstwordjarvis
37. Hug - firstwordjarvis
38. Wings - angelicfangirl
39. Wrong - For movetheearth with Sherry perfectedweapon
40. Right - For movetheearth with Sherry perfectedweapon
41. Tears
42. Hope
43. Night - For Serredeth
44. Star
45. Courage - use Nobody's side
46. Police
47. Ice Cream - for time_schizo
48. Pup
49. Ireland
50. Jungle
51. Plains
52. City
53. Farm
54. Horse
55. Woman
56. Mother
57. Father
58. Grandparents
59. Mad - for time_schizo with pacifistninja
60. School
61. Freedom
62. Eagle
63. Falling
64. Dream - For feralsummertude using ruinedtradition
65. Reality
66. Purple
67. Blue
68. Red
69. Pink
70. Rainbow
71. Rain
72. Snow
73. Park - for magnetic_pull with horsemanofdeath
74. Fall
75. Lake
76. Ocean - for time_schizo with pacifistninja
77. Under
78. Pay
79. Adulthood
80. Teenager
81. Capital
82. Contentment
83. Numbers
84. Space
85. West
86. East
87. Tropical
88. Wind
89. Fly
90. Tree
91. Ka Ching
92. Chengosam
93. Kimono - For movetheearth with Ashley pacifistninja
94. Tradition - For movetheearth with Ashley pacifistninja
95. Vulnerable
96. Forever
97. Heaven
98. Warm - For double_dynamite Using Al (youngersummers)
99. Cold - For not_a_popsicle
100. Heart

who: warren worthington, who: bobbi, who: rainmaker, who: doug, 100 theme: fortes, who: elzabeth, who: paul, who: ashley reiko takakawa, who: sherry, who: alex 'havoc' summers (older), who: alex 'havok' summers (younger)

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