(no subject)

Jan 12, 2010 12:30

Alright, trying to put all the info about the event in this post for easiness. HERE GOES!!


Okay, so some people didn't like a timeline but some people asked for it, S-SO I went with having one if only because, I'm going to have to file a police report and give information to the lawyers and stuff. I'm not a huge stickler for timelines, but there needs to be some kind of cohesive element to this whole thing. Here is the...work in progress one for this event. This is also what's gonna be linked to people, as far as lawyers and stuff go.

If you would like to have me change something or something edited, PLEASE don't hesitate to tell me! It's all fluid right now and I'm not a huge stickler for times and stuff, as I said. I just need to know if this works for people.

Keep in mind, AMOUNT OF DAMAGE to your character is completely up to you!!

Powers activate at noon, PST.

Euphemia, in the hostel goes and suddenly stops whatever it is that she's doing, and grabs a butcher knife or some sort of weapon.

Iris (zycronian_heart  ) is the first one to ge hurt, knocked out of commission for the moment. Shirou (theonlypath  )  is nearby, and she attacks him, as well.  Oichi is conveniently nearby and gets some kind of shankage, which results in Euphemia being all gory and messy. :( She goes to kill Zelda (woeke  ) for getting in the way, but BLU Heavy (sandvitchman) gets in the way and saves her but is injured as well. Jack (reenacts  ) goes to get in the way, and Euphemia slices at him, too.  Akira (sneeze_switch  ) shows up,  concerned, and gets killed. Ellis (spaang  ) gets in the way, Euphie stabs at him, and Ranmaru (orchidblade  ) tries to fight her, and she hurts him as well. Somewhere after the voice post, Euphemia comes across Goh definitelygay and slices him up some, too. Somewhere in this mess, Chesford Arshes (magiccupcakes  )  and Bonny Serge (janefuckinwayne) get wounded as well. Somewhere along the way, Hanatarou(handle_gently  ) gets hurt too.

Last, Starscream shows up just as Euphemia is arguing with Cornelia/attacks her, and Cornelia (corneliahime  ) gets knocked over, which leaves Euphie to get into Starscream and hack his sorry ass.

While Euphie is in Starscream (1:30 PM PST, estimated, ends around 3ish PST, estimated)

She mows down some people. Some die, some don't.

Wounded (in no particular order): Sasame (knight_of_sound  ), yessirledysir  ), Hibari, Yukimura (oyakatasama  ), Uzuki, Villetta (a_noble_heart  ), Sousuke (lambdasoldier  ), Suzaku (knightmeplz  ), Ishida (bow_and_sword  ), Nobunaga (liekaboss  ), Tatsuki (dragonofhonor  ), Kyouya (nomorekotatsu ), Soundwave (pimpincassettes), Kaoru (swordforagarden).

Killed (in no particular order): Sakon (showmeurhonor), Akira (sneeze_switch), Shirou (theonlypath) (though he revives!), Kaoru, picturemyprize Takaba Akihito, Naoto Shirogane (trapbound).

IF I DO NOT HAVE YOUR NAME or you are unsorted, please, pleaseee comment here.

To make it easier on you guys, here's a textthingy with what I need from you. 8)

Character(s) to be hurt LJ name AND real name for easiness.
Injuries to be sustained: Tell me if it's death, and how badly wounded they are/what happened. If it's only wounding, just tell me a general idea. Police reports and the lawyer thingy might need this.
Where your character is, if you're not already placed somewhere: (if you're one of those in the 'unsorted' area)
Links to anything related to this event: (logs, posts, accidental posts, etc etc. I have to keep track of this for the lawyers and the cops and it's easier this way.)
Any additional information:(whatever you think is needed. or amusing gifs/pictures if you have nothing else and feel like doing it idk whatekalfms)

Since someone asked-- why am I being so information...y on times? It's to make it easier in the long run for everyone. I'm trying to prevent the police/do-gooders from getting shit from characters ICly for not doing their job-- if Euphemia's whole "KILL EVERYONE!!" thing goes quick and easy, then they have an excuse- they had other things to take care of, and it was just too fast to stop. That doesn't mean you can't be a part of the plot, OTL, just IM me and we can work something out.

If you have to contact me, email is the best way (bubbled . teas at gmail . com) but I'm usually online at chii is a pedo as well.

ALSO there IS going to be a trial, so I'll post about that a bit after the event is over, so things get ironed out. If you wanna be involved in that, just contact me whenever and we'll see what we can do? IDK.

If you do not wish to be a part of this plot any longer, that's fine! Just drop a comment here letting me know.

Alternately, if by Wed. night, if you're one of the unsorted people, and I don't know anything about you/what's going on, I'll take you off the wounded/killed list and we can add you back in later, just for lack of confusion. 8)


WIP Trial post, to be edited as we go.
Euphie post.
Ellis post.
Ishida post.
Ranmaru post.
Shirou and Kaede post.
Shirou log.
Akira post.
Naoto post.
Arshes post.
Starscream post.
Chidori post.
Takaba post. [pictures included].

EDIT: I will not respond to comments unless I HAVE to, so you guys can edit if you have links to post and that sorta stuff.

what are you doing chii!, plot, oh god what

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