ic log with c.c.

Dec 30, 2009 01:42

[sometime after the Christmas things end, Euphemia stands and makes her excuses for bedtime- it's not terribly late, but she does have work in the morning, and there are some things she wants to give to C.C. on her own, in private. None of them are particularly ... embarrassing okay, maybe a little, but--! but privacy is nice, sometimes, and she ( Read more... )

c.c., euphemia li britannia

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sex4pizza December 30 2009, 09:45:42 UTC
[C.C. takes hints well, and she gives Euphie a little nod before making a few excuses of her own and slipping out after her. Watchful eyes might note the lingering of her hand on one of her pockets as she goes.]


sob be prepared for euphie's gifts /holds head pacifisting December 30 2009, 09:46:26 UTC
[and once they're in their room, she gives her an almost shy little smile, curling her arms around C.C.'s hips]



I am intriiiigued. C.C. has a few surprises of her own of course. sex4pizza December 30 2009, 09:48:00 UTC
[She enfolds Euphie easily with a slight smile.]

And hello to you too. [Pecks her cheek.]


Excitingggg 8) pacifisting December 30 2009, 09:48:43 UTC
[beams right back, kissing the corner of her lips]

I have presents for you. Other than the ones downstairs, I mean.


sex4pizza December 30 2009, 09:49:51 UTC
Oh? Seems we had the same idea. [Not to be outdone, places her next one on the jawline.]

Who goes first?


pacifisting December 30 2009, 09:50:14 UTC
It's up to you...?


sex4pizza December 30 2009, 09:54:11 UTC
[Chuckles.] Alright then, here.

[She pulls a small box out of her pocket and holds it out.] Merry Christmas, Euphie.

[Inside is a necklace inlaid with pale rubies (almost pink in color) and emeralds. Attached to it is a small pendant.]


pacifisting December 30 2009, 09:55:44 UTC
[quietly opens it up and jusfslksmf goes very quiet for a moment, touching the stones with a little bit of awe, and-- well. Kind of wondering if maybe she should have gotten the other girl something expensive like this, too]

Oh, C.C...

[...glances up, cheeks pink]

It's gorgeous.


sex4pizza December 30 2009, 10:00:18 UTC
[Well, C.C. had nothing else to spend the money on really. And she did manage to get quite the discount... but she won't go into that.]

It gets better. Open the pendant.

[Within is a picture of the Mikogami household, all together. Somehow it seems to have been altered so that the part that shows C.C. draping on Euphie as per usual is in greater prominence.]


pacifisting December 30 2009, 10:01:17 UTC


[fkjfsmskljf w-wibbles, and kisses her cheek lightly, looking up]

Help me put it on?


sex4pizza December 30 2009, 10:04:36 UTC

Of course, dear.

[She takes either side of the necklace and holds it up.] Just turn around for me.


pacifisting December 30 2009, 10:05:30 UTC
[turns and lifts her hair to make it easier, but not before reaching for one of the small presents on her bed, holding it, a little worried, maybe]

[ooc; lolol uh. what's C.C.'s favorite color?]


sex4pizza December 30 2009, 10:08:35 UTC
[Pulls it around, clasping it together, then pecks Euphie's neck.]

All done.

[OOC: I'm gonna go with Violet.]


pacifisting December 30 2009, 10:12:35 UTC
Thank you. [hands her the small gift almost shyly, and is holding the other part of it in her hand. It's this, only pretend it's 2 separate things, necklaces, one with a lock and one with a key.

Euphemia's a little worried, now-- C.C.'s lived long enough where she thinks that maybe, jewels and such wouldn't be something she'd like, and when she'd seen these, she'd thought it was charming.

When C.C. opens it, she finally speaks] They... ah. I heard couples did this. You could buy little necklaces and keys and-- and so I had this one made, so it's unique and... [motions to the key she's holding that's on a thin silver chain, and then to the lock C.C. has] And the lock, it unlocks with the key or if you unlatch it, and you can open it up and stick something in there, kind of like a locket, and-- I hope you don't think it's tacky--


sex4pizza December 30 2009, 10:15:45 UTC
[She looks down at the small necklace in her hands for a moment before lifting her head to give Euphie a little grin.]

Our ideas... they were really pretty similar, weren't they?


admittedly, I lol'd at how simliar they were. pacifisting December 30 2009, 10:18:57 UTC
[so sheepish] Yes, they were.

...Ah. And there's this, too.

[hands her a tiny wrapped package, that's feels like a book.

When C.C. opens it, she'll find a hand-made book, very, very carefully made, and tightly bound, so it'll last.

Inside are carefully written journal entries, things just detailing inane little parts of their days, along with doodles and notes, dating back from when they first started being together, months ago. There are also pictures- photos of all of them, from when they least expected it, to little group photos, and ones of her and C.C. together, or ones of Mikogami and Mutsu being derps, all of them dated and with little captions. Though, Euphemia waits for her to open it, before explaining]


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