Dec 22, 2009 19:34

Christmas presents, 09.

Organized by the taken list, so it's in that order. If I forgot a character, let me know!!

Kia- Treats and toys for his doggy :O

Mia- A necklace.

Sara Mudou- Cute hair ties that matches the colors she usually wears and a Christmas card since lskfsjf they don't know each other v. well.

Leoben- A couple of books, that she had recorded, so they'll play whenever he wants them to. Also the hard copies, with little notes written under the cover for when he can see again.

Hanatarou- Medical kit! All sorts of useful things in small packaging for easy carrying.
Ikkaku- Cat supplies, since Yumichika is getting him a kitty.
Soi Fong- A stuffed kitty, which unintentionally has pretty golden eyes.

Angela-  Art supplies!

Cynthia- camping supplies \o\
Helen- APPLES. apple pies, apple tarts, apple everything.

Cornelia- Hand-made card, breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with derpy sister activities. Also a gun upkeep set, and a few girlier things, along with like...bath gels and relaxing scented stuff.
Gino- Ferret toys and treats, along with a really nice scarf and jacket, in dark, dark blue.
Jeremiah- ...feeding the habit. Alcohol. Also, a card.
Kallen- Some really nice wine, along with pretty knives, ones that come with straps so she can hide them under her clothes. Also a note that says "I hope you don't have to use these."
Lelouch-  Hand-made chess set- pretty and glass.
Suzaku- Some clothes- warm ones, and ones for when it gets chilly.
Villetta- Relaxing bath stuff, and-?

Havoc- clothes- practical stuff, socks, loose pants, that sort of thing.

Mello- Shittons of chocolate. The good stuff.

Jenny- Cat toys, for Jayne, and a cute shirt or two.

Badou- A couple packs of cigarettes.
Heine- Sigh. Cigarettes, and a bottle of that wine, and a set of really nice, warm leather gloves.
Luki- Cake and treats like that. 8)

Shirou- Cooking supplies, plus treats, like truffles or something.
Berserker-  sword sharpening kit (?)

Inara- Play things for her cat, along with a vase of flowers

Maes Hughes- Picture frames for this pictures of his kid. :>

Akira- Cookies and such, along with cute girly clothes

Rory- Useful things for an apartment, like storage and stuff, along with some pretty bracelets.

Michael-  Those muffins he wanted :(

Rook- ...Alcohol, sigh. Also a few cookbooks, some nice leather gloves and boots.

Dino- this in a necklace that's still manly enough to wear, 'cause of the sunrises they watched
Hibari- ....bird food.
Mukuro- An invitation for dinner.  HER TREAT. 8| 
Shouichi- Tools! More metal than he'll know what to do with, probably, along with other useful things to build robots with \o\. Also a hug lol.

Doll- Some books! She knows she can't quite read yet, but they're ones that are fairly simple. ...not pornographic.

Raikov: Some stuff to make sculptures with. Really nice carving things.  ALSO FOOD.

Sakura-  Christmas bonus, plus some really nice notebooks and pens and stuff to write down her notes.
Naruto- ramen.

Paul- gloves and a hat and a really nice scarf, that she sewed. :)

Sanji- Cooking supplies for the hostel; really nice ones \o\

Tamaki-   Toys for his cat, along with a simple little good luck charm

Cherry- Gun polish/cleaning stuff, high quality.

Kodachi- Baked goodies.

Liz- Some books on chemistry and such, imported from wherever, or from around the island.

Ami- a pretty blue necklace and some books!

Gojyo-  Some dice, and a card deck holder, like this.  Only it's leather and wood. :>

Ranmaru-  these!

Oichi- A few pretty hairties, and some baked goodies.

Miki Kaoru- a music box

Cassie A.- Oragami paper for her decoations.

Ashton Anchors-  Cooking supplies!

Sam W.- AHHH??

Flynn- Sword polishing kit, and baked goodies.
Raven-  A HUG. :| No, and some cool candles that are for relaxing, along with teas and a small bit of the Amat equivalent of Irish Cream.

Red Engie- Useful stuff, like extra metal and stuff he'd use to build things with.

Az- This ring, only silver.

Bee-  Some treats, and a pair of black and yellow gloves. BUMBLEBEE, GET IT. hurrhurr
Starscream- Mini model of the universe.

Esther- A Christmas flower arrnagement.

Kevin- A card and letter basically saying happy holidays, and candy.

Yuuki- A really pretty necklace with pressed flowers.

If you're NOT on this list, but you and Euphemia have talked like...once, you got a Christmas card, with a little letter, along with a small batch of some kind of cookies or brownies, or truffles or something.

Anyone who lives at one of the places that Euphemia rents out (the hostels, the houses) will find their house is stocked up with all sorts of stuff, enough to get them by for a long while.

Anyone who works for Euphemia, will get a hefty Christmas bonus, along with the day off.

Any businesses associated with Euphemia (like she knows the boss or whatever) will get a flower arrangement along with baked goods and a card.

lol, help, oh god what

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