You are going to love this toy.Here is a hint,if you want the best tamagotchi like mine you will have to listen closely my children.Well get a tamagoti.I have the pink with srars.When it is a toddler make it wiegh 99 pounds.It will turn into a strawberry if you did it right.Then make it weigh 10 pounds the lowest itn will go.For a cheer go (tamagotchi's name) fill the burn,move those hips,I'm not asking you I'm telling you!!!After that wait till day four and all that hard work put into somrthing I guess?I heard that the most population on thier planet is this one.
Unfortunately this review cannot be excused with engrish.
I think this is a great toy for ur children. i am 14 f. i got a couple of years ago a giga pet the dog 1. but tamagotchi connection is SOO MUCH BETTER. they grow two teenagers and toddles and adults. u can connect them with ur friends also! u can give preasents to ur friends and also play games with ur friends ballon poping contest and a pie eatting contest! once they get up to a adult they leave u to ther palet and u can grow aonother tamagotchi! and they can mariey e jother and have babies and ur tamagotchi can raise ther own babie. this is a wonderful toy. hope this was helpful. also they poop too so u have to clean it up and take them a shower. and also they brush their teeth when they get older.
I want a
tamagotchi so I can have a pet while I live in the dorms.