The Pacific Kinkmeme
Let's get the fic rolling in this shiny!new fandom already!
How it is going down:
∆ Anonymously post a comment with a pairing (or single character, threesome, foursome, whatever gets you hot and bothered etc & etc) and a kink/prompt. The prompt part is essential∆ Please limit yourself to one pairing/kink PER comment. Post as
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Snafu closes his eyes to hide the fact he can hear them and listens in as Oswald talks about his memories of the Grand Canyon. He hears the man's words describe a happy image of youth and thinks that to speak of that here - where they're fucked beyond comparison - is incredibly stupid. He snaps at Oswald to shut up and turns around in time to hear Sledge remark about how tomorrow they will be over the nearby hills continuing the fight.
He opens his eyes briefly to think about what he will see tomorrow and he tries not to wonder if it will be the last combat he endures. He thinks about the things that keep him going and finds the list has grown depressingly short. He sighs at the sound of Sledge whispering to Oswald about how the brunet should get some sleep. He wonders what would make Sledge give up his own sleep for the other man when it's obvious the fool needs it as well.
In truth Sledge intrigues him the more he spends time with him. Hell if he can figure out why he cares, but he finds himself wondering more about who Eugene is. He thought the man was some insignificant worm trying to play soldier in an over sized uniform, yet he survived the first day and now Snafu contemplates what else he would learn about Sledge if the redhead survived the combat of tomorrow as well.
He snorts quietly to himself at how foolish his own thoughts sound. There's no use in thinking about the deaths of other men when his own is lurking around the corner. He'll stick around the other man and see what he does next. He figures that if the next thing Sledge does is die, that he probably deserved it for being a moron.
I must admit that I was very conscious about how portraying Snafu in that way could backfire given that we don't know much about him yet. I think that the way you phrased it "being fascinated and agitated at the same time" is what I thought of Snafu's interactions with Sledge.
I might continue this once I get a better grasp of their characters and the writing style necessary to create new story lines. :)
Your Snafu is wonderful, hope to see more from you.
Thanks for the encouraging words and I'm glad you enjoyed reading this. I think I might continue developing this further once I get a better handle on the characters.
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