Mar 31, 2005 10:52
I've been having trouble concentrating lately. I really need to get focused. I keep putting off things because I have been completely exhausted but maybe in reality I have been using that as an excuse for laziness. Yes, I do I admit I am quite lazy. I also have not been keeping with certain commitments.
Maybe I need to step back a bit because everytime I force myself to it, I don't have as much fun or put in enough effort.I need to find my inner self. I haven't done that in awhile. I 've been writing meaningless love poetry all the time.I need to chill and focus on this amazing introduction to a story with no plot. I can't figure out what I want the plot to be. Maybe I'll post it up here to get some reaction and hear what the reader wants. I am usually against criticism in the begininning, but I've had a huge writers block. Maybe they will be able to help me break the ice.
Other news, I am really bored and in public speaking. I am in the mood to go shopping. I am doing that with Katy Timko Sunday. Its funny my mom offers to take me shopping but I have been having such hatred for her lately because of what she's done to me, and exspecially my money,so I decided it be worth going with my best friend. Besides even if I went my mother would probably make me use my pocket money instead of the money that shes been saving up for herself that really is supposed to be for me AND my clothes that was from my grandmother. My grandmother really got upset with her this Easter..
I am gonna go before I say more. I am gonna finish doing research.