"Challenge" by Turkfox for Tafidadarling

Aug 18, 2011 21:34

Title: Challenge
Prompt: Hoosier, masturbation under his blanket (up to filler who he thinks about if even mentioned)
LJ name: turkfox
Recipient LJ: tafidadarling
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Blankets can be very effective hiding places, as long as you can keep your mouth shut.
Pairings/Characters: Hoosier, thoughts of many girls, mention of Chuckler/Runner, suggestion of future Leckie/Hoosier
Disclaimer: None of these guys are mine and it’s all based on the characters from the series -no disrespect intended.
Author’s notes: I left it late, got sick, had to rush the fic last-minute. Once it was finished, I was sure I’d drifted a long way from the prompt, so wrote a completely new fic and this is it! I’ll probably post the original at some point when I’ve had it beta’d and such.

( Hoosier really isn’t one for doing things by the rules at the best of times, so he’s quite happy to disregard that convention of not secretly jerking off in front of your friends when he finds himself aroused by the conversation Runner and Chuckler are having. )

-pairing: leckie/hoosier, -pairing: runner/chuckler, -rating: nc-17

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