Oct 27, 2004 22:29
This song is titled "Angel", although i'm guessing it might be changed, but hopefully not. I wrote these in 5 minutes before musical rehersal on monday. It's dedicated to Lauren Lukacek because she helped Jon and I get Jon's car started when it wouldn't start to say the least. So here goes...
"If the sun would ever go away
There's someone you should ask to stay
And if she would sit for a while on a cloud
We might hear a beautiful sound
To come from her voice traveling to our ears
And she would bathe in a brilliant light
Knowing she'd saved us from a lonely night
Alone and away from the world we know
When life is as beautiful as a brand new snow
That's where you'll find her one of these days
Without a care to do her harm
And she'll caress your soul with witty charm
Making you weak in the knees like new dreams
To bring you closer to that gift of heaven
Where you will meet an angel with wings
And if you dare, ask what tomorrow brings."