Oct 20, 2010 21:39
why are there always things going on on the days that i have plans?
i hate that! i got a text from a friend letting me know there's awesome stuff going on friday,
but i already have plans! ARGH! meanwhile, saturday night has been open, and all of next weekend is basically open.
it's halloween weekend next weekend, and i have no actual plans. people have gotten so lame.
wait, no...they've gotten un-interesting...they need to do more stuff that i like doing. stat.
now i'm all stressed out about it, even though it's not a big deal.
i love hormones!
i've gotten my love life into a bit of a stir.
it also makes me anxious.
finally, i went shopping yesterday for 7 people who have had babies recently or are
due to have babies. $300. eek. i have been terrible about seeing everyone's little ones
and i feel bad about it, because i actually do care, i've just been verrrrry busy.
i hate that i've just been either out of town or trying to catch up from being out of town...or preparing
to deal with some other project, so i've been neglecting my friends and family.
it seriously bums me out, and i know it doesn't make them feel too great either.
okay i'm done bitching, i needed to get out my monthly bitch-post.