Pacifi_cant Prompt Meme!

Mar 29, 2012 13:32

Welcome to the Pacifi_cant Prompt Meme!! Please note, we're double-posting this to BOTH Pacifi_cant communities, so post prompts and fills at either or both pacifi_cant on LJ AND pacifi_cant on DW!!


1. One prompt per comment! If your prompt is filled, it will be in a reply TO your comment!

2. We love any and all fandoms, big or small, in any combination. BP is doing panels on Due South, Sherlock Homes (any), Sherlock BBC, Star Trek (any/all), Bandom, & Comics (any/all), but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Everything is welcome, from Yuletide-sized fandoms to the biggest of them all.

3. We love any and all characters, pairings, moresomes, etc., in any combination.

4. Prompts can be general or specific.

5. No bashing, please. This is an all-character, all-relationship, all-fandom love-zone -- which includes prompts and fills. Thanks!


1. To fill a prompt, post your work in a reply to the comment containing the prompt! (Be sure you aren't replying to the main post by mistake! If you mess up, just delete and start over.)

2. IN THE SUBJECT LINE, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: "Fill", format/media (i.e. fic, art, vid, meta, etc.), fandom(s), character(s)/pairings, rating, and "See warnings", if appropriate. If you have warnings, please list them at the top of your fill. If you exceed the character limit, reply to your comment and continue.

3. ALL FORMATS OF FANWORK ARE WELCOME! You can reply to prompts with ANY type of fill: fic, art, vid, podfic, craft, poetry, performance, meta, manifesto (ship or otherwise), or whatever else you can imagine! Write a story, draw a picture, film yourself performing a missing scene, ANYTHING!

4. Multiple people can fill the same prompt. Play as many times as you like.

5. You may crosspost & announce your fill in other journals, archives, communities, etc. immediately on posting. Please do link to this post so others can play and comment on the works, too!

Again, this is a multimedia, pan-fandom, pan-everything party! All works are welcome, all fandoms, all characters, all pairings and moresomes, and so on! Okay? OKAY! Let's get this thing started!

Comment with prompts NOW, and as soon as you see a prompt you like, fill it! Play as often as you like, add as many prompts as you like, fill as many prompts as you like, and comment frequently to tell people how awesome they are! YAY!!!!!

Here we go! On your marks! Get set!! GO!!!

<3 <3 <3

prompt meme!

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