It was a long time ago in a blog far far away...

Nov 19, 2007 00:03

My life is so goddamn interesting that I only need to update this LJ ... well annually. Like the previous update this one will again be about fucking videogames because as I was told by Jason Vanderleeroberts in a very condescending tone at the age of 9, they are my life.

Anyway, I've checked gamespot among other things and here are all the big games coming out on everything that we know about so far through to the end of 2008 along with a list of what I think you should own if you have the system allready.

Playstation 3
Should own:
Uncharted Drakes Fortune - The demo was an enjoyable mix of tomb raider and gears of war with some great characters and the best graphics on the system so far, it's out this week I believe.
Ratchet Future - it's most likely the best game on the system although if you didn't like the ratchet series before I doubt this will change anything as it's basically the same shit with shinier paint sprayed on.
Resistance fall of man- Like Halo for the first xbox this is a launch title that's still kicking and once you get the hang of it's style of play which is different from either halo or gears or even half life for that matter it's pretty fun.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma- It's the best looking of the 3 versions with tighter controls, new weapons and a few new stages. It's not completly worth it if you allready have NG black on xbox but otherwise go nuts.
Warhawk- don't pay more then 40 bucks and get the retail edition with the headset, it'll give you a few hours enjoyment.
Super Star dust HD- it's yet another robotron clone although in this case it's a remake of an old amiga shooter but it's also a fantasic looking simple/fun classic style game. For the 8 dollars or whatever it's totally worth it.
Should play:
Heavenly sword- it's not long enough to warrent 50 dollars of your money but the 10 bucks a rental costs is an adequate investment. Even if you don't like it it's only 4 and a half hours long so it'll be finished in an afternoon.
Coming in the future-
Little Big Planet- a great looking user content based platformer that uses physics.
Metal Gear Solid 4- It's been delayed 3 times now but I'm guessing that's due to abysmal sales of the PS3 console(360 outsold it 5:1 in september and 3:1 in october) , regardless when it finally comes out we'll have for the first time a metal gear game with a competent and reliable control scheme without all the annoying shit introduced in MGS3 like having to constantly eat treefrogs and gator tail.
Final fantasy 13- More of the same but prettier, this one probably won't be out until september 2009 though so don't hold your breath waiting.
HAZE- new shooter from free radical the folks that brought you timesplitters.
Rumored in the future-
Moterstorm 2 - likely to just be the same shit with better online play
Resistance 2- Again, same shit but slightly better

Xbox 360
Should own-
Halo 3- not buying halo3 would be like buying a wii without mario really, there's something here for everyone to enjoy... well so long as you like shooters that is.
Gears of War- It's a fun shooter with a new cover gimmick that everyone else is now copying, 4 million owners cant' be wrong.
Dead rising- an inventive enjoyable sandbox filled with zombies and the best achievement list on the system.
Crackdown- a bigger sandbox with lots of hidden shit and stuff to do.
Mass Effect- biowares latest opus, part shooter/rpg all sci fi space opera.
Geometry wars- the first live arcade game everyone should buy
Pacman CE- an awesome new take on the pacman series
Coming soon-
Ninja gaiden 2- it's like the original but with double the number of enemies and now you can cut their arms , legs and heads off. In otherwords it's allready the game of 2008 to top.
Lost Oddysee- Final Fantasy except it's not called that, no like honestly they could have called this Final Fantasy 13 and had square not allready announced that game no one would have noticed.
Halo Wars- A halo RTS built for console by the guys who made age of empires.
Rumored stuff-
Banjo Kazooie 3- where the son of a bitch onion returns in high definition to torment players.
Perfect dark 2- hopefully a vast improvement on the ho hum perfect dark 0.
gears of war 2- 4 million copies sold of the original.. it's gonna have a sequel the only question is when.

should own-
Mario Galaxy - It not only makes up for the sloppy mario sunshine but manages to top even Mario 64. This is a game that's almost worth buying a wii just to play through.
Zelda Twilight Princess - So long as you haven't become a jaded hooting dickhole this is another fantastic edition to the aging franchise. If you are a jaded hooting dickhole though it's not worth playing.
Metroid prime 3- The only playable entry in the otherwise horrible abomination that is the metroid prime series. Mostly thanks to the wiimote aiming but also because the level design no longer sucks balls.
Trauma center- it's not often we'll see a surgery game on these shores but Trauma center is an enjoyable puzzle/shooter sort of thing. It's an improvement on the somewhat unforgiving DS edition of the same name mainly because there is now an easy mode. Also it's cheap to buy now.
Coming soon-
Super mash brothers brawl- I don't like the series myself but many people do and the next one is out in february.
Mario kart wii- Another new mario kart , hopefully it's good like the DS version and not crappy like the gamecube edition.

And I'm allready bored of making this list so read it and enjoy. There's about a million other games due out and stuff that's on ps3 and 360 that I skipped over but whatever.
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