(no subject)

Nov 04, 2008 10:37

To All My American Friends

I hope that all of you will be (if you haven't already) exercising your right to vote today. What I am urging you to do (since I can't be there) is also to consider taking action to protect the counting of the vote. Blackboxvoting.org is mounting an initiative to "Protect the Count" where they are urging people to video the election counts (the paper summary poll tapes from the electronic voting machines which record the summaries of votes on each voting machine) and upload the video to a central place, so that if there any irregularities in the reporting once the machines' memory cards go through to various middlemen for collation and reporting, this is documented. Many places require posting of these paper summary tapes after the polls close, and pollwatching is of course permitted everywhere.

This video introduces the initiative

image Click to view

and this website gives much more information.

Another thing you can do is volunteer to be a Citizen Pollster for the Citizen's Electronic Verification Poll (EVP) organised by the Election Defense Alliance. The Alliance has other suggestions for what you can do for election reform here and a very nice Election Day Action Plan for other things you can do today to help ensure a fair and free election.

And for the Obama supporters among you, looking forward to celebrating with you later!!


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