Writing Meme

Sep 21, 2010 14:20


1. Pick three people.

2. Come up with an opening line for a story, a single sentence. There is no rule as to how long the sentence is or what its subject is.

3. List your tagged people; those people will then write a short story, fiction or non-fiction, using that line as the opener.

4. The story must be at least 100 words, but no more than 700. The opening line does not count when you are counting word number.

5. Those who write, leave the short story as a comment to the livejournal entry tagging you.

6. Once you have posted it, pick three people off of your own flist and make your own lj entry with a new opening line of your choosing. Feel free to also post the story you wrote when you were tagged or a link to the entry or whatever.

7. Those three people leave stories as comments in your lj entry, and then make their own. And thus it expands from there.

You do not have to be tagged to participate if you like the opening line and want to write though; have at it! The more writing, the better.

I tag karnythia, alephz, and quizzicalsphinx.

The opening line:

The coffee was nowhere near spectacular, but at least it was piping hot and dark enough to advertise its caffeine content.

ETA: I clarified the rules a little bit.

lucky, meme-tastic

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