(no subject)

Oct 27, 2004 15:38

I want to do this before I update:
(I got it from Kayla's lj)

::bold what's true about you::

I love sleep, but I love putting it off too.
I think I'm better at things than I really am.
I don't really like the Price is Right, I only watch it 'cause Bob is cool.
I don't have a favorite color. I like different colors, depends on my mood or something.
I play the electictric guitar, just not very well.
I don't like pizza
but mainly I just don't like the tomato sauce.
I think that too many unfunny things are funny.
I hate 7th graders except a few.
I'm obsessive-compulsive
I like stretchy, stringy cheese.
I enjoy playing with LunaStix.
I don't believe in God
I have the attention span of a puppy with ADHD
When I'm on AIM with real life friends I use more acronyms and such than when I'm on GC.
I like Everybody Loves Raymond.
I like sad songs
I always feel like crying over the littlest things, but I never actually cry.
Music makes me happy
English is a hard subject.
I really like my friends at school.
I don't watch many movies because they can't keep my attention
My math teacher is mean all the time.
I can't throw things very far.
I like these emoticons, :) :( :D better than ^_^ and o_O
I exaggerate a LOT.
I lie to my friends, mainly making up stories or funny stuff and then admitting the truth.
I hate when you're and your are messed up
I kinda almost like gym class sometimes.
I like to blast music
Sometimes I feel like I am crazy
I spend a lot of my time on the computer
I like pick-up lines.
I like making other people laugh even if i look stupid in the end
I like fruit.
My bookbag is orange.
I pretend I don't care and distance myself when what I really want is to be a part of a group and to be accepted
All my friends like Spongebob so I pretend to like it too.
I ate Crisco in home ec because Brent told me to.
I laugh too much sometimes.
I assume too many things about people.
I don't talk about hot guys with my friends; and I like that about them.
I like warm summer rain better than any weather, ever
I hate vegetables.
I like TV commercial jingles.
I like Crayola crayons
I LOVE Feable Weiner.
I prefer Cheeze-its over Cheese Nips.
I can get very paranoid
Nipple is a very funny word.
I love to dance, but refuse to dance alone in front of either people
My bookbag is orange.
I play the harmonica.
I like soda.
I'm too immature.
I like making iMovies.
I'm scared of losing the people who mean the most to me
I start most conversations with sarcasm
I believe people can be deceiving
I like the Candian flag.
I always look bad in photos
I like Canadian accents.
I want to make a difference in someone's life someday
Quiet is nice sometimes
I'm not 'down' with slang for 'naughty' words.
I like Seinfeld.
The Drew Carey Show amuses me.
I get pissed off easily.
I'm geting new shoes for Easter.
I've never been to church.
No one at schools knows
I still have not heard the Milkshake song
Infact, I haven't heard a LOT of mainstream songs.
Growing up scares me more than it should
I hate getting my bangs cut.
I like eating.
I like Pokemon.
I take really long, really hot showers
I like saying dirty things but not telling anyone that they're dirty.
I've never worn make-up.
I like the show Survivor.
I suscribe to 29832987467 magazines.
I doubt myself all the time ad hardly ever share what I'm feeling.
People tell me that I'm weird
Sometimes I feel like no one understands me
I wear pads even when I'm not having my period. I just HAVE to be safe.
My elbow hurts.
I've never had any STDs
Astronauts are cool.
I love black people.
I adore getting mail
Night time and after school are when I feel down, mostly
If I consider you a close friend, I'm incredibly loyal. I will do anything for the people I love, from beating that crap out of other people to laying my life on the line, to being really Hallmark-worthy corny.
I don't have many other things to say.
I could have better friends
My dad has told me not to eat at the computer at least twice a day for over a year, but I do it anyway
I'm straight-edge. Yes, I 'just say no.'
This survey took a long time.
Poop is funny. (see #56.)
I'll be surprised if anyone actually reads the whole thing

i'm sinqle.:)

i love the color purple.
shopping is FUN!
i love Rent.
i think gay marriaqe should be approved.
i'm obsessed with musical theater.
i enjoy scrapbooking.
i love the color red.
i love to wear sandals.
i LOVE huqs.
i like to take pictures.
i am a blonde.
i like root beer.
i love to drink water.
i'm an actress.
i love dark chocolate.
my best friend is exactly like me.
i'm qoinq to New York soon!
i love findinq nemo.
i love qoinq to concerts.
i'm qoinq to the Tony awards.
i need to apply myself more.
i know that i need more sleep.
i hate needles.
i would never qet a tattoo.
i'm takinq piano lessons.
i'm qoinq to be a junior next year.
i love Reese's!
i always take showers.
i love to swim.
i want to travel.
i hate beinq bored.
i'm too lazy!
i love to watch Friends.
i love American Idol.
i'd rather have a small qroup of close friends than a larqe qroup of friends that i didn't know all that well.
i wanna qo to Northwestern University.
i'm in chorus at school.
qettinq new thinqs is always fun.
i love qivinq qifts.
i enjoy receivinq them as well.
i'm loud in some classes and quiet in others.
i love watchinq films.
i am very crazy at times.
i love massaqes.
i make money by performinq in musicals.
i hate social studies.
i love usinq the computer.
i think too much.
math is useless.
i love to write and type random thinqs.
i eat lots of junk food.
moulin rouqe makes me cry.
my favorite movie is Waitinq for Guffman.
i have a sister.
i like to sinq.
i also like to act.
i want to be a Broadway actress.
i have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
i scare people sometimes.
i love the Disney Channel!
i hate it when people judqe others even though i do it as well.
i love watchinq tv.
i miss Boy Meets World.
i'm so mad/sad about the Rent movie!
i've been to every American Idol concert.
i qo to Ravinia all the time.
i'm listeninq to Radio AOL.
i love listeninq to music.
i like to read.
i have blue eyes.
i love wearinq skirts in the summer.
i love cats.
i love ice cream.
i hate my fiqure ..
i like to talk.
quys are confusinq.
i like qoinq shoppinq with my mom.
i'd love to have the money to buy thinqs for people for no reason at all.
i love Lemonade Coolatas.
i enjoy beinq sinqle.
i love Ed Debevics.
i want to live in NYC.
i wake up at 5 on school days.
i would love to visit the Mall of America.
i already went throuqh braces.
i love shoppinq at Kohl's.
i always listen to music in the car.
i hate when people are mean.
if i leave my hair to dry it qoes curly.
i don't sleep much.
i'd do anythinq for my friends.
i can't wait for summer.
my hero is Jonathon Larson.
i love both of my parents.
my siqn is Aries.
i hate Hillary Duff.
i love receivinq e-mails/comments.

Ok, I'll update in a little bit. That still required a lot of typing for the HTML.

Erica Lee
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