A default icon ficlet: Playing Cards (SGA)

Feb 01, 2007 10:55

My default icon portrays Katchoo from the comic Strangers in Paradise. I didn’t dare to write about SiP, but I was inspired by the original picture to write a little SGA ficlet about John and Rodney in a similar situation. (I wouldn’t have dared to do that either, but xylohypha encouraged me and melandry saved me from writerly panic. Thank you!)

The original picture:


Title: Playing Cards
Author: Paceus
Summary: Aliens Make Them Play Poker
Blame: xylohypha
Thanks: to melandry for her expertise and graciousness.

Playing Cards

“How typical that in a universe of infinite possibilities there’s a civilization that comes up with a version of strip poker - and one that’s impossible to win!”

“I don’t know, Rodney, I’m doing pretty well.”

Rodney glares at John. John smirks back. He’s actually enjoying himself. Rodney’s bare chest isn’t something you see every day, and John rakes Rodney’s shoulders, arms and stomach with his eyes just to rile Rodney up.

When Rodney loses his final game his face falls.

“I don’t really have to take my boxers off, do I?” He’s almost pleading, his voice cracking, staring at John.

“Well, I’m not sure how our hosts would take it if you didn’t,” John says, merciless. He looks meaningfully at Rodney’s crotch. The last hour has been like the slowest striptease in the universe, Rodney taking his clothes off one by one, his vest, his jacket, his pants, and suddenly the restlessness of seeing Rodney’s skin in arm’s reach becomes something else, sharp impatience that makes John’s muscles tense, and he clenches his teeth not to bark a command that Rodney get up and get rid of his boxers right now.

Rodney’s startled eyes tell him that this is one of Rodney’s more perceptive moments. John’s stomach tightens, and his ears seem to ring. He glances at the other players, trying not to let anything show.

“Chop chop, Rodney,” he says, keeping his eyes on the cards. “Pay up.”

my fics, sga

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