Yuletide fic recs/list

Dec 25, 2012 21:20

It's Christmas Day and finally I have some time for myself, to spend however I wish, and I'm going to be online and read some fic, thank you very much.

FIC. Source: Yuletide 2012 Collection

Yuletide! A perfect time to reunite with fandom and fannish lifestyle, if only for a few hours. Yuletide fics are unconventional in that they're not the kind of fics I usually read (funny, hot, romantic first time fics). I enjoy reading in fandoms I'm not familiar with or have read or watched ages ago, I like unusual pairings and settings, and Yuletide is full of smart, thoughtful, literary fics. Just what I'm in the mood for tonight.

How to Make a Ghost (Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter, 2012) by anonymous. A well written, melancholic story of Henry after the movie.

Los Angeles Isn't Magical (Disney RPF, Actor RPF) by anonymous. Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. Just the sort of interesting Yuletide ficlet with unexpected characters that I was looking for.

a spring fling (Marvel Avengers Movies RPF, Actor RPF) by anonymous. Scarlett Johansson POV. Again, an interesting Yuletide story with characters I've never read about before. This one has a random feel to it until a pivotal scene where it feels like it all comes together. Very nice.

Be Fruitful (Anne of Green Gables) by anonymous. A mostly fluffy ficlet about Anne and Gilbert's grandchildren.

What the water sprites saw (Anne of Green Gables) by anonymous. A well written, thoughtful ficlet about marriage, love and grief.

To Live Forever (Belgariad/Mallorean Series) by anonymous. A great story about a Mallorean scholar who travels west to research Western gods and religious practices.

Red Flowers (Belgariad/Mallorean Series) by anonymous. An absolutely amazing story! Polgara, f/f. The POV is spot-on, all of the characters are lovely (especially Garak and Poledra), and it's like there are all the good things about the series in the story and none of the annoying aspects. Kudos!

Argh, there's Brothers Lionheart (Astrid Lindgren) Yuletide fic and it's in Swedish!

Degenerate Beauty Queens (Born to Die - Lana Del Rey) by anonymous. A lovely, dreamy, atmospheric fic of reckless teenagers.

every new beginning (Big Day - VW Wedding Commercial) by anonymous. A clever, touching ficlet. I really like this one. And I enjoy commercial fics all in all: it's easy to get acquainted with the source.

More soon, I hope!

Also, let me just say that I love the tags in Archive of Our Own. "Married Couple," "Slice of Life" -- it's so helpful and nice to have indications of what to expect in fics!


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