Jun 19, 2008 10:01
XD And it ruled!!! DEAR BOYS MYU RULED ALL OVER!! And how, you may ask, did I get to see it? No idea 8D I was just browsing youtube when this little pop-up came out that showed a caption of the myu and... I just couldn't say no to it XD It's like in the old times when I found out burimyu and tenimyu by sheer luck.
The myu was awesome!! I thought the basket scenes were going to be "left to the audience" like in tenimyu but seeing them ACTUALLY play the matches... I've got new respect for what an actor can do for money and the love of his job XD Also they DID have female actresses in there and that made me really happy. The songs and the real dancing weren't really great, but were dorky enough to be catchy. The scenario was simple enough and they solved the harder shoots with this big rectangular frame and I thought it was very clever of them (but I kinda wanted to see them miss a shot tho X3)
And now, my favorite part of ALL
Let me just start by saying OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAD YUZAWA ON THE CAST AND I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT!!!! When I saw him as Shimojo I... I... I bursted laughing XD And he was wearing normal clothing!! in fact A SUIT! FOR MEN!!! I was a happy little lady. His acting was really nice and he had this big corner were he sang mocking everyone and just be a dork *0* And dear me, can he be a sexy crossdresser!!! I don't wanna ruin the myu for you (so go!!! the chief stalker commands you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!) but he did go down to the audience at some point, made a question, chose a poor girl in the audience and asked for her hand... and kissed it XDDD He just knows how to show off his weird sex-appeal.
Other than Yuzawa we had not one but TWO tenimyu Kaidoh's... and my favorites, of course!!! As I already said me watched the myu without seeing the cast list so when I saw this BIG guy with the BIG adn weird hairdo... and the voice XD it just had to be none other than Goumoto Naoya himself!!! It was awesome!!! And THEN came out Kujirai on top of it (and with glasses and he had me squealing as how cute can the popor fellow get *3*) so yes, I was a very, very happy fan.
... Maybe Kaidoh just got tired that nobody loves and decided to switch sports? XD Saaa...
Other actors that we knew were tenimyu's third buchou, Minami (please stay as your dear boys character and NEVER get back to tenimyu ¬¬ such an awful Tezuka!!!)
All in all I think it was a very good musical: it really felt close to the Dear Boys works and the cast was very good. Let's hope they keep on doing this until I can get back to Japan and see it for myself ;)
dear boys