Jun 11, 2008 23:16
*points to self*
Who? Me? Oh yeah! I'm still alive... or so I think: you see, when you can actually hear how the little engines of your brain work... well, let's say I'm alive but not exactly 'ok'
I want my summer VACATION!!!!!!!!
Hello my minions! I'M BACK! After several weeks of not posting a thing I here, using my lj for the usual stuff: stress relieving _._ I'm on my 'midterms' here before my finals and I'm just gonna rise the white flag my friends 'cause I'm tired: I'm sick of having to just squeez my brain, trying to answers questions with my teachers words and opinions and not MINE, I'm quite done with having to put up with people who tries to teach me but I feel their methods and my way of thinking is just NOT going the same way and...
T_T I wanna be free~~~!!! YES! I WANT TO BE FREE OF COLLEGE!! I WANT THE DIVORCE FROM WISDOM!!!!! *gets out her bra and puts it on fire* LET'S GO BACK TO BEING STUPID LADIES!! NO MORE STUDYING!!!
というわけで... How's everything going? :/ I guess this is just the time of year when everyone's busy, I haven't heard of any of you since a long time ago! (<=where has civilization and progress taken our time to write and communicate!? *goes dramaqueen mode*) I hope all of you are doing ok!!
So, seeing I'm one month 'til the end of this pretty-much-sucking second year of college I plan to take off to Margarita Island to get my stress off, why yes! I shall be leaving it in the sea!! I shall help pollute the ocean with my negative vibes! It's just for a couple of days, really but my mom is kinda stressed too, so it's the perfect excuse. After that I plan to have a FUN vacation by myself and maybe get into some activities :/ which ones I still don't know... maybe I'll try a protocol/learn-to-behave-and-have-good-manners short course ^///^ what?! you never know if my future husband is going to be someone really important, I must be prepared to waltz myself through a queen's palace or something XD I'll keep on dreaming...
Until next time~