It's about time i pimp some of the best places on LJ I've been to. It'd be awesome if you check out some of these places. Most of you already do but i don't care LOL.
cheekygeeky : Rolinna, baby! =D LOL she's got all the best footie (&more) graphics and whatnot you'll ever need. i swear if you don't look here I'll hunt you down LOL
meinemannschaft : annesaname's awesome journal JUST for mannschaft. this is every german football fans journal of love. i don't need to say anything else about it.
fussball_icons : icons of nationalmannschaft. now i know you can't overlook this.
klosefans : one of my fave players. he's the best ever.
metzelderfans : now do i need to say more? i am DEFINITELY a metzelder fan. and if you're not, SHAME on you ;___;
podolski_fans : same goes for him LOL. it's got everything podolski you'll need.
iker_love : CASILLAS! the cutest ever goalie of real madrid and spain has a community
david_villa : valencia's david villa is by far one of the best forwards spain's got to offer. he's got a lovely comm here =]
cesc_fabregas18 : you can't NOT love cesc fabregas. the young gunners player takes everyones breath away.
spain_de_futbol : i love love love love this community. it's got recent updates of the spanish football team and everything you'll need from challenges, graphics, pics, news .. EVERYTHING
raulfans : mr gonzalez from real madrid and spain. he's my fave spaniard. love this comm.
football_addict : anything and everything football!
football_hunks : you're gonna find all the pics / news / graphics you'll need about footie here.
soccer_icontest : yeah for you who want a challenge in icon making for soccer. please do join this place.