Oct 24, 2003 21:20
soo, i hate life. or atleast today. dont get me wrong, i love life, but man, today was shitty. So i go to that dumb "take back your time" thing, that my economics teacher said we had to go to, then said it was extra credit, then said i had to. so i am there, and i am thinking in my head "i will stay for just a short time" at about five forty five i am thought proccessing, "i should go now, but i dont want to be disrespectful and leave during this ladies speech." because there were seven people there, and it was this ladies turn, so i wanted to let her finish, she ended up taking longer than everyone else... so i got out of there at like five fifty five, and ran my ass like i never have before from twelve to sixth, not very far i know, but annoying to do downtown during rush hour. I arrive to my bus stop, get on a bus nice and quick, then the bridge is up...GREAT. i wait, and wait, and wait, and finally the ship is through. or maybe they did some kind of check, im not sure the bus driver mumbled something though. Anyways, enter six thirty: i am at my second bus stop, the one that gets me to the mall, and i had JUST missed a bus. so i called my house, tried to get hot dog on a sticks phone number with my sister and the phone book, but they werent in it, so i called four-one-one, and they did not have it. so my sisters boyfriend came and picked me up, very nice of him. however his car is shit, on the freeway, it overheats. we have to pull over, dump water in it, and wait. finally it cools down. enter seven twenty and a very distraught dissapointed sad brian: i get to hot dog on a stick "is the interview thing over already?!!?" "noo, i dont think so, but youre late.."
"yeah i know, im really late." ..calls people in interview room... "ok, go to the baby gap, and a hot dog on a stick person will meet you." my mind said thus; "ohhh fuueeueet, i get a chance" so i go to the room, and it is a "group" interview, meaning there are four other people there, and they just ask basic questions, then the manager takes me out in the hall and asks her own questions "who is brian" "why should i hire you rather than all those other people?" blah, blah, blah. at the end, she said that they have five more people on sunday, and then out of the ten they are going to hire three. they said the three will know by monday, and if you dont get a call, then you didnt get the job. i dont know how i did, i dont think too well though. but however, the manager was super sweet, and when i told her my story, she was like "ohh yeah, it happens to ALL of us, dont worry, i wont punish you for that." so it ended out fine as far as that goes.
By the way, as far as yesterday goes, it rocked some major. Michael Moore is amazing, he can speak publicly so well. and i got a special wristband, so i was able to be one of a thousand to get his signature, and even though he wasnt supposed to personalize it, when i got up there, he looked at me, i looked at him, and we made eye contact, he must have liked something though, because he was like "whats your name?" and then he personalized it, so i am very happy, and very very fortunate. plus i shook his hand, he had a very firm handshake.