Oct 09, 2003 22:25
today proves so strongly that portland is the coolest place ever.
i love storms here, they are so beautiful, reflections in raindrops, the smell, the sound of cars spraying water in every direction as their tires caress the street. the droning noise of rain pounding on my roof, my windows, and the puddles that fill so quickly. the smell that wafts through doors open for just seconds. How surreal the blackened sky, the greyish blue clouds make the sky look like an abused pet. the ecstasy of standing in the middle of the street, spinning round and round brings such clear memories of childhood. The boom of thunder fighting the clouds in the race of tortoise and hare versus the crackle of yellow-orange lightning. the comfort of cuddling up in my favorite blanket with a nice new book. the thought of renewal that rain always brings me. all these things, are what hold me like shackles, and annihilate any contemplation of leaving with no intention of a near-future return.