Aug 15, 2005 16:09
• ¥ •R E L A T I O N S H I P S• ¥ •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight
Who is your best friend?: nikki or eli and brian too
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: brian
What is your longest relationship? June 5th 2004 thru now
What was your shortest relationship? 1 night, get the picture???
• ¥ • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • ¥ •
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Other peoples closets
Any tattoos or piercing: the ear 5 and the tattoo 3
What is your sexiest outfit: everything i own
What is your most comfortable outfit?: nakedness
What do you usually wear?: cutups jeans, husband beater, concert t, bare feet
• ¥ • S P E C I F I C S • ¥ •
Do you do drugs?: not anymore, i'm past that
What kind of shampoo do you use?: mario t's specially ice blonde platinum 4eva
What scares you the most?: spiders, divorce, crib death
What are you listening to right now: The sounds
Who is the last person that called you?: nikki, she's at work, wish she was home
Where do you want to get married?: Should have asked me this a long time ago
How many buddies are online right now?: dunno
What would you change about yourself?: my shitty attuide
• ¥ • F A V O R I T E S • ¥ •
Colors: Green and pink
Food: steak and mashed potatoes
Girls name: Scarlett
Boys names: Canann
Subjects in school: work release
• ¥ • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • ¥ •
Given anyone a bath?: my cat, she got fleas, and my baby, she didn't
Smoked?: yes
Bungee jumped?: nope
Made yourself throw up?: yeah, i'm good at it
Skinny-dipped?: i dunno maybe, does the bath tub count?
Ever been in love?: Still am
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: i rock so hard at comand crying
Pictured your crush naked?: i don't crush
Cried when someone died?: i still do
Lied: yes who doesnt lie?!
Fallen for your best guy/girl friend?: dude, no
Been rejected?: yes, see the bitter rage of 2003
Rejected someone?: oh yes
Used someone? yes and for my own amusement
Been used? I am sure it may have happened once
Done something you regret?: i guess but it could have prevented this
• ¥ • C U R R E N T • ¥ •
Clothes: husband beater, t-s, pants, bare feet
Music: Kill hannah
Annoyance: television
Smell: the baby, she smells like a baby
CD in player: The Sounds
DVD in player: Requiem for a dream
• ¥ • L A S T | P E R S O N • ¥ •
You touched: baby girl
Hugged: baby girl
You IMed: what
You yelled at: brian
• ¥ • A R E | Y O U • ¥ •
Understanding: i'm a peice of shit
Open-minded: enough
Arrogant: sometimes
Secure: enough, i'm getting better
Random: sometimes
Hungry: trying to ignore it
Smart: smart ER than most people
Moody: if i dont get what i want
Hard working: actully ... yes
Organized: more than everyone else i know
Healthy: if i was terminally ill
Shy: sometimes
Difficult: sometimes
Obsessed: with beer and sex
Angry: mostly at the people i love
Sad: not all the time but i have my days
Happy: happy ER than EVER before
Hyper: not right now
Trusting: yes, maybe i should be
• ¥ • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • ¥ •
Kill?: the bad man employee at work, die cokehead die
Slap: my boss for hiring that piece of shit
Get really wasted with?: myself, and my daughter when she's older
Get high with?: i'm past all that
Talk to offline: brian , i'm lonely
Talk to online: ????
Sex it up with: brian, i'm deprieved
• ¥ • R A N D O M • ¥ •
In the morning I: feed the baby
All you need is: sex, sex will keep you sane
Love is: rare and fleting but amazing when it's real
I dream about: sex, i'm losing my fucking mind
What do you notice first in the opposite sex: eyes
• ¥ • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • ¥ •
Coke or Pepsi: Beer
Flowers or candy: Flowers, candy rots the teeth
Tall or short: Tall, but not too tall
love or money: love, money isn't real
paper or plastic: shut up
looks or personality: brians got both that/s all i care about
• ¥ • D O | Y O U | E V E R • ¥ •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: no
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: yes
Wish you were younger: what? be 20 again fuck no