Oct 11, 2004 13:11
When we supposedly got rid of telemarketing, it is too bad we did not find a way to rid ourselves of religious and political interferences as well. We are constantly being bombarded with undesirable connections from Bush, Chaney, and their cohorts, with the same old political jargon and party lines.
It seems so evident to me that Bush has found plenty of "followers" who blindly think that he is THE PRESIDENT, and that means he must be followed no matter where he leads. Since he just happened to be in office when 9-11 took place, he couldn't do wrong. The truth as I see it, IT TAKES FOLLOWERS TO CREATE LEADERS, regardless of where the followers happen to be willing to delegate thinking, destination, or wisdom.
Can't we agree that if our leader has created one hell-of-a-mess, then he and his staff, if re-elected, are likely to create other and even more disastrous messes? Given the track record of George Bush the past four years (including the Florida fiasco) what can be expected if he and his administration deal with equal lack of wisdom in the upcoming problems of Iran, North Korea, etc.
Some things I worry about with the present administration include the small circle of advisers Bush seems to be listening to..... his narrow world view..... his delegating large parts of his responsibilities to inept staff..... his seeming sincerity about Divinely guided leadership..... etc. etc.
I recall the story of a young minister who based his Divine Call on a vision he saw in the sky,G P C. He felt it meant GO PREACH CHRIST. A more realistic friend commented that he erred in what the vision was saying. The G P C was trying to tell him to GO PLOW CORN.