Jan 22, 2006 19:16
Hey all you little sassy pants. I am as bored as Laura in any movie with any merit what so ever. (hehe) I have nothing to do. I just thought I would update except I dont have anything interesting to say. Well that is not entirely true. Last night Laura was offered $400 to give Stephen a birthday lap dance he would never forget (except that he probably would cause i think he was wasted ). Anywho, right when Laura was considering it (as anyone would do cause $400 is alot) Chris pussys out (which is not a surprise at all YOU BIG PUSSY). But it was pretty crazy for awhile. So since I really dont have anything interesting to say I will make something up. So last night i was kidnnapped by the KGB. Upon my arrival to some obscure communist country, I was sold into prostitution. I soon became a leader among whores, and then later a pimp. I then decided to plan my escape. I hide on a freighter that carried me across oceans back home. So there you go. Thats how exciting my life has truly been.