Percy Jackson and The Lightning Doodie

Feb 14, 2010 21:18

It was bad. Other words to describe the experience include: abominable, atrocious, awful, contemptible, criminal, dire, disgraceful, disgusting, execrable, heinous, loathsome, low, malodorous, mean, obnoxious, peccant, putrid, rancid, rank, reprehensible, repulsive, rotten, sad, scandalous, shameful, sickening, stinking, terrible, unfavorable, vile, villainous, wicked, wretched, and wrong. Really, any of those will work. Also, doodie.

If you’ve read the book, I suggest you stay far, far away. If you haven’t read the book, let me spoil one part for you in the hopes that you’ll understand I’m doing it for your own good and to save you money and time and brain cells: you will, in all seriousness, witness teenage kids tripping on drug cookies while a satyr line-dances to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face.”


(Special thanks to Panlexicon for this entry.)

‘Cause I am due for a miracle
I’m waiting for a sign
I’ll stare straight into the sun
And I won’t close my eyes
Till I understand or go blind
- “Stare at the Sun” by Thrice

bookish things, geeking over greek, movies, hulk smash arghhh, wtf

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