Puzzling Master (20G): Completed all challenges
Last night I ran through all the puzzle challenges in Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers, which were fairly basic, easy-to-solve brainteasers in the mindset of the ones previously published in The Duelist. While I liked the majority of them, I felt they were a bit too obvious and wished for, well, for lack of a better word, something more challenging. It didn’t take many tries to reach an answer, especially since there were multiple ways to outdo an enemy. I only used a guide after the fact to see how others handled certain situations.
Don’t mind me though, this is just some moaning and groaning because while Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers is a fun waste of time, it isn’t the Magic: The Gathering I went through high school playing with friends in the cafeteria. Little deck customizing, odd timing issues when it comes to responding with an activated ability or spell, and bad, bad 80s rock muzac.
Also, I hate online-only achievements (<- silver account).
(Cross-posted from
Grinding Down)