In February 2007, I wrote a short story. Almost a year later, in January 2008, I sold it to
Fictitious Force. There was much rejoicing. Sometime over summer 2008, the magazine closed for submissions and brandished the status of being on hiatus, for rethinking things. I had heard nothing from the editor since reviewing a set of online galleys and assumed as the months went by that my sale to the tiny, oblong-shaped zine was nothing more than a rock in water. I had too much to think about and never really got around to inquiring about my story...and so this is me, in February 2009, two years later, surprised to find the following in my mailbox:
Since the zine's website hasn't been updated yet, I'll share with y'all the TOC of Fictitious Force #6:
"Snow Magic" by K.C. Shaw
"Snowless Winter" by Chad Brian Henry
"Coeur de Lion" by D.L.M. Clarke
"Coming Home" by B.D. Wilson
"The Buzz" by Justin Stanchfield
"The Rendezvous" by Marshall Payne
"Imaginary Puissance" by Paul Abbamondi
"In the Water" by Katherine Mankiller
"Imago Dei" by Rebecca Day
"Fortune" by A.C. Wise
So, yup. It's been a road, but that's publishing. I'm quite proud of "Imaginary Puissance" and still think to today that it's one of the best things I've written...but that's me. I'm my biggest fan. It's got child labor, robots, the hint of space opera, and a faux mother to take care of everything. Anyways, hope others give it a read and enjoy it.
Interestingly, also today I learned that
I will not be appearing in Black Gate #13 because they posted the TOC online. Maybe #14? Have yet to receive an official contract though I did go through galleys back in the day...