All we know is wanting.

Mar 03, 2009 18:51

Ah jeez. I went out and shoveled today. Apparently 10 inches of snow is not a joke. I'm sorry, Jin and Maru, for thinking that Hakone(?) challenge was not that hard. :O Well, but, I did it voluntarily and not because I was obliged by singing a song about living on the edge lol. But it's oddly therapeutic, I have to say. Because you don't have to think at all; I just had KAT-TUN's Bokura no Machide and Taylor Swift's Love Story playing repeatedly in my head for about an hour and a half. That is all. Then it made me think, "I wonder if Taylor Swift ever had to shovel snow? Or Lee Minho (who plays Goo Junpyo in BOF -- IDK why I thought of him)." HMM. And I felt a little bit apologetic because I was ruining the smoothness of the snow dunes (or drifts? mounds? sth). I got that "HUMANS REALLY WRECK EVERYTHING" feeling haha

Anyway, I have found that (1) one should never buy a corner house in countries where it snows because that means you have double the length of sidewalk to shovel and (2) one must wear a scarf over the lower half of one's face while shoveling -- my nasal mucous membranes got all dry. And it kinda hurt :O And lol it's like my jeans/legs got frozen and they were thawing for a good 20 minutes after I got into the warmth. Gosh, I'm such a masochist for LIKING things like this. Tsk :x

Speaking of masochism, BOF DAY TODAY~♥ *f-list groans* An episode, finally! Everyone's in pain in this ep, OMG. *CANNOT WAIT BUT HAS TO BECAUSE FILES ARE STILL DL-ING JOINING DONE= CAPSCAPSCAPS* I may return to torture all with said caps later.

...And later is now. But you're all lucky because PB is doing site maintenance wer;gl;ksdl;a and I cannot be as extravagant with caps as I please :(

So see, this ep starts with Ji Hoo angsting about his grandfather then sees JanDi cleaning the halls of his school. And as we've come to expect from him, he helps her. And he's all "I'm good at cleaning" <-- WHATEVER, STOP LYING, RICH BOY. xp (JanDi's like "...but your suit?") ♥

OK, now is the time to admit I nearly always daydream of a Ji Hoo whenever I'm doing household chores *coughshovelingcough*. Can you blame me?! This drama brings out the Mary Sue in every ahjumma girl.

Some funtiems with the mop car thing lol. Bet Hyun Joong got a big bang out of that xD

Jandi collapses on the bathroom floor -- I know it's supposed to be WTFOMGGGG but all I could think was, "URGH BATHROOM FLOOR" XP


Jihoo, what are you doing to yourself :l (And Jandi has ended up in the beds of four different men to date :OO)

Belated reaction to hanging out with gorgeousness, huh? HAHA

DO NOOOTTT WANTTTTTT.Fiance girl comes over to JanDi to tell her she's liking Junpyo. GTFO that's like rubbing salt in an open open open wound. Ok, I know I said (or did I just think it?) that K-Fiance looks kick-asser than Shigeru from the Japanese version but OMG, as it progresses she's getting just as annoying. Is anyone really that frikking oblivious?! Grrrrrr. No. I changed my mind. I do not want her for F3 instead of Junpyo at alllll. She keeps talking kind of cute and being clingy, it's getting on my nerves. :OO I don't know how Jandi stands it. If I were her in the above cap, I'd be *flail*+geroffmeeeee!!!+roundhousekick then be "Oh, sorry, I thought you were a mugger". UGHHH. I HATE THAT JANDI LOOKS COWED when Junpyo and fiance are together :((((( But lol @ F3's reaction when Junpyo takes her to meet them --

Ee Jung is unfailingly polite. Maybe even amused?

Kehe Woobin is shifty. A 'this is awkward' neck crick.

Ji Hoo *STARE* lol Right, glare, GLARE at her, Ji Hoo. She's terrible.


First off, why do Junpyo and Jandi keep coming back to this cable car with the wrong people. Tsk. And second, personally, if MY date were that stony-faced, I'd pretend to have a headache and go home or something. I won't be able to stand it and be all chirpy :( Let's leave this fail date and have some HyunJoong-fabulous.

If that were me, I'd say "No, sunbae, TUTOR MEEEE~"
Tsk. Hanging out in balconies is the best for seeing illicit things. Prepare for heartbreak when you do. :( (I love that it's such a reflex for Ji Hoo to protect her (...but at the same time, who's going to protect him from her? DDDD:).

SADDDD. And Ee Jung and his promiscuous father aren't helping things any; I'm sure more of his story's going to pan out in later eps --

(Ok, maybe I just wanted to toss in a cap of him looking like an anime character before battle. Or sth. It's his hair, I guess xD)

He's very sad after the confrontation. :( Is it time for SoEul-mate shipping yet? :(
By some weird twist of fate, Junpyo+fiance and JiHoo+Jandi end up in the same restaurant and fiance wins a bet so she asks that they all go on a trip. This is doomed to failure and more sadness, is it not obvious. BUT ANYWAY. It leads to some pretty awesummm scenes --

(Thanks for the term, Ziggy, I've found it applicable to so many things, from Lord of the Rings to Ocean's Eleven :O And fandom, obvsly)

So pleased with themselves lol. If only what they made was edible. :OO (Not even the girls, who have strong stomachs can take it.) So they end up sitting down to a professionally prepared dinner.

Where Junpyo stares daggers at Ji Hoo for cutting up JanDi's food. DIE IN A FIREEEE, JI HOO says his eyes.

Alcohol problems emerge.

And all that pent-up jealousy builds up to the mother of all lines... *drumroll*

(Please keep in mind Junpyo's trauma with swimming and his inability to save Jandi in the past.)
When Jandi asked, "You can swim?!", he answered:


Dead and gone to OTP heaven. I will end it at this and pretend some things after did not happennnn. Tsk. *etches line in brain* RARRRR. Seven days till the next. :OOOOOOOOO

life lang, still rambling abt bof??, kim hyunjoong, dramathons

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