Doramas and Life

Jan 01, 2008 23:45

Simul-watching is love. -_-

Since I'm squeezing in watching three doramas (Yukan Club, Sapuri and Stand Up!) all at once, there is a LOT of material for thought. Well, in Yukan Club, not so much LOL *don't kill me Yukan Club-ers*

Just thought I'd get it out of my system to make them more concrete... :)


♥ Yuya asks, Is there something in this world only I can do? (or something to that effect)
A valid question, one that has been plaguing me here on the brink of transition into *gulp* the working world. I'm just lazy for the most part, but apparently not to the point where the innate (?) human desire to excel is squelched.

There are times that I think, "WTH, what's the big deal anyway? Work is work, why does it have to be something you're enthusiastic/passionate about? Why do you have to want to be the best at it? As long as you do it properly, get paid, that's all that has to matter." But NO, that's NOT all that matters for some reason. People want to like their work, to be the "specialist" at it, to get fulfillment from it. I'm not excluding myself since the above thought is temporary, if recurrent. Gah. We people keep making things complicated. -_-

♥The Enjoy Man says something like, "Apologizing even if you're not wrong, that is an adult. Not apologizing even if you were, that is a child. I don't know which is worse. But you regret both after."
(Am I totally butchering the lines here? Sorry... -_-)

Whoa, I know I don't want to be an adult that way, nor do I want to remain a child. But the me that hates being blamed when there's nothing I did wrong is protesting more than the me who has accepted the fact that we need to take responsibility for our actions. What then is the middle ground? (I seem to love middle grounds... Something those EQ tests discourage...) A teenager then? HAHA

Stand Up!:
♥ Heartbroken ribs-stuck-out Pi says "Can't you see it like this? The way I love. The reason I didn't do anything to you is that to me, it's love in a way. If you can't see that, the one who's mistaken is not me, it's you." *walks away really uncoolly hehe*
I don't know why I like this. It's not poetic or anything. Maybe because his role there is slightly aloof and for him to come right out and make things plain was a strain. You could see it in his face. -->

(veoh screencap, sorry. i have no DL-ing/screencapping powers) Oh, the pain. -_-

Then the boys go and have a love discussion in a motel room .

(seen here -- lol at the sky ceiling). Pi pretending he's all genki and Nari-Shun totally not buying it. *sigh* It's just cute thinking of boys convening like that. *sigh again*

♥ Says Sho-chan, "I love her now."(talking about me, er, his teacher)
Gawd, this had me taken aback. Maybe it's because he said "now". I know that "now" could be taken as temporary, but it made the conviction totally palpable. It made it seem like he was going to do something about it, and he was doing something about it IMMEDIATELY. And Nino intense is just... o_O

Then he walks away slow-mo from his dad who threatens to cut him off. Gah. *moment* -_-

...And this is why I still don't have any logbook entries. And why I'm in danger of being late for the meeting at school tomorrow. *Eep*

ADD: Squeezed in the Johnny's countdown -_- Sho was totally at-ease-kakkoi in the Love So Sweet perf the whole time. Eeeehh. I shall spaz more about it tomorrow. Er, later, I mean. *still HIGH*

johnny's countdown, sapuri, kazunari ninomiya, yamashita tomohisa, sho-chan, stand up!, sakurai sho, kamenashi kazuya, ishida yuya

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