154 entries later

Aug 28, 2008 00:05

Oh WTH. Trust me to get the date wrong. I blame it on the limbo I'm in for mis-knowing dates.
I thought it was August 28 but apparently it's the 27th. x_x
Well, anyway:

Still no improvement on the graphics-making front, evidently but you know, whatever. The boys still love me anyway. Hah.  I thank Oguri Shun for getting me to research him and providing my entry into the J-world. (You have stolen my soul, you. Feel free not to give it back. :p)  All crest and downhill from there -- exhilarating and difficult to stop.

+Whoa, so many entries. It's like writing every other day or something. I knew it. I talk too much.
+Thanks LJ for being my fount of information.  And endless entertainment.
+Shout out to fangirlfriends.  Thanks for all the sympathy, the crack, the daijobus and the sharing of self-bits (and cookies/brownies. :D
+The heck at the sentimentality. Forgive me. :)

All I do these days is kind-of-babysit.  Today it was my pregnant sister-in-law. Definitely easier than my niece and nephew -- no baths or clean-ups or tantrums. Just a teensy intramuscular shot and a slight pretense at studying and vegging in front of the TV. :DD

life lang, anniversary, randomness, oguri shun, fandom

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