Everyone's doing it.

May 08, 2006 21:53

So yeah, everyone else is updating.
I will too. =]]]]

So basically, I've been hanging out with people more.
Cayla's on Saturday. It was freakin sweet.
We played Guitar Hero. She rocked. I didn't.
But I got to light-medium on my first day. WOO.
Then we walked up to 7-11. I got Ben & Jerry's,
Monster, and something else. Oh, two doughnuts.
Cayla bought some sammich thing, Pizza rolls,
and a Propel water.Then we went back to her
house and played some more Guitar Hero and
watched QAF Episode 3. It was fshweet.
I had to leave at like 9:00 though.
She lent me two books. Lost Souls and
A Clockwork Orange. I just finished Lost Souls,
now I'm trying to read A Clockwork Orange.
I can't really understand the slang. I'll end up
reading it like 87 times before I understand it.
That's really it for now. OH, I tryed out for
the talent show. I think I sucked. Hillary says
I'll be fine, lmao.

AHH. Finished entry yo.
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