Apr 05, 2005 02:14
Beck's new album `Guero` is the bomb-digity, so to speak. By that of course, I mean that it is a pleasant listen. It's also nice to look at it, what with the special edition that I obtained that includes a phenomenal package and sweet DVD.
My hair is indeed short again, I imagine that one of my friends will have pictures of it that I can show you in the near future. (I have no camera of my own, had I had one, you should rest assured that my vanity would have demanded a few pictures to be taken.)
My trip to La Crosse this past weekend was a fantastic time, as usual it ended far too quickly. However, it's nice to see the folks who know me enough to press me when I should be pressed, and leave me when I should be left. Plus, it's funny seeing enigmafactory sucking on too much whiskey.
Specific notes will follow here (in the order that I saw each of you):
Kristin -- thanks for being completely shocked to see me, I still have the look on your face, and it's priceless.
Michele -- thanks for the prompt directions to Lindsay, it made the surprise that much more successful.
Tom -- thanks for being completelly oblivious, it's nice to know I can at least fool one person by wearing a bandana over my face, bandit style.
Will -- thank you for the still consistently witty banter, it's always appreciated.
Jeremy -- thanks for helping me be a ninja, it's hard work if you don't have another ninja to trust.
Lindsay -- thanks for involving yourself with psychos, it suits you well and makes me laugh.
Heidi -- you shared your alcohol in a time of need, I think thats more than I could ever ask... ;^p
I have to say, this was probably the most uncomfortably `couple-ish` time I've spent with my high school friends. So nuts to you guys who need each other for safety blankets as soon as Kristin goes home to sleep, you're all just weak. Also, Emily or Karen could have come and balanced things out... so screw them too. At least Will still ditches Heidi for me...
hehehe, that's it, have a nice day everyone.