ugh !@#$%^&(

Nov 22, 2005 23:28

i am really mad right now and i should not be

it's really nice to know that my best friend is gettin bitched at by her mother b/c somehow she snoops around on me & tara's livejournals & gets into our "friends only" (blocked) entries

honestly, i dont have time for bullshit games. rachel is SMART and can make decisions on her own about what shes going to do.

you are torturing your own daughter by doing this and just hurting your relationship with her. you two were pretty close before all this happened way back in the summer. learn to let your kids live the lives they want, not the kind of lives you chose for them to live. they are their own person and have different ways of life than you. they will make the right decisions. they might be wrong decisions to you but oh well, your not them.

doing drugs or drinking alcohol does NOT make ANYONE a bad person, at all.

OH & by the way ... i dont smoke weed. i havent smoked in i dont even know how long.
& no one smokes weed in my room.

you've gone too far with this already now, so please stop making pointless shit up thats DEFINATLY not true.

i've been writing in this alot this week. ive been having alot on my mind.
and its only half way through the week ... i wonder what comes next
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