[Random] Bouken JAPAN - MY ∞ MAP

May 23, 2010 11:39

First of all, thank you for so many comments to my previous post! I am very happy to know that so many people are thinking about Yoko during this difficult time. I hope all of our smiles will bring a smile to him, too...

On a lighter note, as of yesterday's show in Ehime, I have completed 21 prefectures on my "Bouken JAPAN - MY ∞ MAP" that I have started coloring in, haha! I have been keeping track of how many prefectures I've been to for concerts (not just K8, but GLAY is included too) and I thought it'd be fun to color in a blank Japanese map. Of course, I've been to more prefectures than this for other reasons, but I'm only counting those that I've been to for a concert.

Since I live in the Hyogo prefecture (which is just next to Osaka), the concerts I've been to are mostly on the west side of Japan. I hope there's a tour that includes the prefectures in the Touhoku area so that I can color in a few more up there! Yoko had his in Miyagi, Iwate and Aomori but it was way too incovenient for me to go all the way up there without taking a day or two off from work... and I couldn't do that this time because work's been a bit busy. GLAY has a concert in Iwate on a Saturday in July, but I don't want to go all the way up there just for one concert...

Anyway! Here is how my map looks like right now :-D

So far, my next scheduled prefecture is Wakayama. I hit for a GLAY show in July. I have the prefecture outlined, but I will color it in once I actually go there. This is kind of fun!


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