I dont forget what i saw so i made two new tutorias, hope you guys like it! :D
Made in Photoshop CS3
very easy
Open your picture, if you want set SHARPEN (Filter >> Sharpen >> Sharpen)
Open a NEW LAYER (Shift + Control + N) and put the color '#282214' set exclusion (69%)
Open a HUE/SATURATION layer (Image >> Ajustments >> Hue/Saturation), set:
saturation: +58
thats it!
Made in Photoshop CS3
Open your picture, if you want set SHARPEN (Filter >> Sharpen >> Sharpen)
Duplicate your base and set SCREEN (50%)
Open a HUE/SATURATION layer (Image >> Ajustments >> Hue/Saturation), set:
saturation: +58
Duplicate your base again, put on the top and set SOFT LIGHT (20%)
Open a NEW LAYER (Shift + Control + N) and put the color '#282214' set exclusion (69%)
and your finish!
[edit] @ June 07 - 16h19min.
I made some icons of gabe saporta! (:
[/edit] @ June 07 - 16h23min.