Mar 06, 2008 16:19
With valentine day glorified as celebration of love and Radio channels and hotels talking non stop about it , its almost impossible not to get hooked on. Single as I was on the valentine day , I thought I would pamper myself with a nice extra chocolate loaded pastry and I did. Just then I saw a guy with a large bouquet of red roses walk to this lovely looking lady on the adjacent table. She was pleasantly surprised and proclaimed “Hun, you should not have”. And I could not help mutter under my breath, “Yes, darl you should not have”. Don’t mistake me , I don’t belong to the rebellious anti valentine group. Lemme bring you to the reason why I am writing this blog entry. I think it’s so clichéd and mundane to get flowers and especially red ones…Come on lobe, show some creativity and imagination…
I dislike red flowers , not coz there have a become a trend but I think they have be over hyped. Why not a delicate daisy or elegant chrysanthemum ??
Infact I would wanna go a step ahead and suggest….why not a nice flower plant ???Why gift something which can wither away in no time?? What say ??