more icons! and a new layout!

Nov 06, 2006 21:19

Ok, this is probably the largest icon post I have ever made. 126 icons. This is everything that I have made since I posted those Diane Kruger icons. I spend quite a bit of time on my icons, so it's a bit surprising that there are so many, but I made all of the Casino Royale and Office icons pretty much the same way, so those didn't take as long as ( Read more... )

casino royale, eva green, icons, the office, angelina jolie, news, keane, new layout

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Comments 25

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pa_0205 November 6 2006, 22:47:00 UTC
LOL. Awwwwwww...Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much!!! :D :D
I'm glad you approve of the Tim icons. ;) And that's SO cool that we love the same Spinto songs!! :D You'll have to give me some pics of them so that I can make some icons for you. ;)
Btw, I made you a really great icon of Tom and his pitchfork. I'll show it to you now:

... )


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pa_0205 November 11 2006, 03:34:47 UTC
I'm glad you like it, LOL. :D *HUGS* I just posted your other icons, if you would like to see those. ;)


peachykeane07 November 6 2006, 23:46:24 UTC

I'm so indecisive that I took 121, 122, and 123. I probably won't use them right this instant, but they're gorgeous. <3333

I have a feeling I might go see the new Bond movie. From what I've heard, Daniel Craig is rly good because he can actually act. Plus my friend Greg is super excited, so we'll probably go see it.


pa_0205 November 11 2006, 03:34:12 UTC
I'm glad you like the icons and I'm quite honored that you are thinking of using one of the Tim ones in the future. :)

As for Daniel Craig and CR, I am really excited to see him as JB. Pierce Brosnan sucked. I'm sorry, but there is no chemistry between Brosnan and the Bond girls, it's basically like "Let's do it" as soon as they meet. And I just read a review of CR that said that Daniel Craig and Eva Green actually have chemistry in this movie and that it's more of a serious relationship, you know?
I'm SO excited! Plus DC is a hottie. And Pierce Brosnan was old. And lame. And everything was waaaaaay to far-fetched. I mean, I know Bond generally is, but hopefully CR won't be as horribly unrealistic. ;)


loleia November 7 2006, 11:36:18 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous batch hun!!!! One of your best yet :D:D:D:D:D:D
The Keane ones are especially beautiful but I also LOVE the motion blurred ones with the scratchy textures!!!!

I think the Katie Holmes ones are my favourites ;)
Great job sweetie!!!!!!


pa_0205 November 11 2006, 03:30:31 UTC
Awwwwwww...thanks soooo much Lola!!! :D :D I'm glad you like the icons!
I have to agree with you about the Katie Holmes icons, I really liked them when I first made them...Now, of course, I see need for improvement, but that will always be the case. ;)


floatingnot November 7 2006, 20:11:18 UTC
I heard the office was to be called "the merger" which means certain tension as the relationships collide!!! Can you imagine Michael hitting on (I can never remember her name, the stamford woman)?! Or having to work with a partner or something? C-r-a-z-y :)


pa_0205 November 11 2006, 03:29:15 UTC
I believe that that is the name of the 8th episode. And that's really interesting about the relationships because now we now that Karen and Pam both dig Jim. ;)


whitegoldpearls November 9 2006, 14:23:59 UTC
Oh PA these are lovely!! Really really gorgeous stuff! I'm looking forward to seeing Casino Royale as well, I've read reviews which say that Craig is the best bond since Sean Connery! So it must be good!
And aren't those pics of Natalia Vodianova just amazing! I love those to death and you made lovely icons of them :D
I'm looking forward to seeing those requests but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get onto Livejournal or not in the next 3 weeks :(


pa_0205 November 11 2006, 03:27:52 UTC
Thanks SOOOO much! :D
Yay for Casino Royale! I read a review also that said it was really good...I can't wait!!
And those pics of Natalia are just gorgeous, I agree! I just made some icons of Gemma Ward because I find that fashion is very relaxing to icon, lol. I just sit there and I don't have to fuss because all the pictures have different coloring. All the pictures from the same photoshoot usually have the same coloring, so it is nice and easy. :) And relaxing. Plus I love to make icons with a lot of movement. :)
Love your icon btw, and I just posted this requests! :)


whitegoldpearls November 12 2006, 14:06:48 UTC
Oh I totally know what you mean, I adore making fashion icons now! I think I'm slowly developing a fashion photography obsession :D


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