I got a new computer....and I was pleasantly surprised by Twilight...

Nov 22, 2008 12:44

I gotta say, I went into Twilight with quite low expectations. I had seen almost all of the Twilight trailers, clips, TV spots, etc. and quite frankly, I thought it looked corny. I was prepared to go see some two-hour cheesefest and....

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it yesterday.
How could it be possible? )


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echolittle November 23 2008, 03:28:57 UTC
Oh wow that list was funny, in both ways. Seeing as I dispised the movie I can see what good points there were though. Here let me go completely in detail about some things if you dont mind- lol... I have no one to really get into this series with!

Like number 6, ummm my theatre had some guy yelling "GET SOME BELLA!" every time she looked at Edward in "that way"- totally made it great! lol. There were also alot of Jacob fans, which made me happy. Number 15 was cute! I was very pleased with how Esma was so energetic and warm. 16 was adorable and very neat I admit!! Ek and number 27! BEST SCENE!!!!!! So beautiful!! Much better than the book's description! And yeah CAtherine Hardwicke's indie style of shooting was a good spin on such a pop culture series. She gave alittle more humor to the characters on screen then Stephanie Meyer did with her rather simple characters on the pages. And thank god they got Bella's casting right!! Her hair makes me want to pull mine out...

BUT- I am very mad about number 23- I mean it was way more intimate in the book to have James be after Bella full on, rather than just have him be the adverage hunting machine vampire baddie. kill, kill, kill, hunt, kill. It gets dull. Not that I like James at all though ek. Same goes for number 24. Disagree mostly for the fact that I hate reading fight scenes in a book which consists of a love and internal struggle... plus it came off as a guy magnet in the movie- didn't work right.

All in all, I would see the movie again. But I would read the book fifteen billion times more. I hope if they contiune they fix poor Jacob's hair and lighten his teeth a tad, get that silly Robert Pattinson some more classes on how to be silent and NOT creepy, and focus on what made the books- the undieing pain involved with romance.

I'm done now... I swear! hehe.



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