Ok, I have some King Kong icons which I made from some old caps which I had. I felt that some of them were really good and I had wanted to icon them for a while, so I made about 30 icons. They are very simple and plain, but I wanted to focus on clear, sharp, bold, beautiful coloring. I love coloring.
[01 - 28] King Kong (2005)
I also have some thoughts about a few things:
OMG. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome!!!!! I know a lot of people didn't like it, but personally, I thought it was SWEET. At the end when Spidey and Harry were battling Venom and Sandman, OMG. It was such an awesome battle and I also loved that Harry and Spidey were like working together. I'm glad that Harry was able to accept that Spiderman didn't kill his father and he was able to go help Harry save MJ.
I thought all of the fights were awesome and probably my favorite action scene after the end was the crane scene where Gwen Stacy is in that building and the crane goes like crazy. And then Spidey is like flipping all around in between the falling debris. Awesome.
I love Topher Grace, but I'm sad that his character had to die in the end. I thought for a second that Peter was going to save him from the suit and then he had to go jump into the suit when Peter threw the pumpkin bomb. I felt kinda bad for him when Peter exposed him and then took his girlfriend, I mean, I know it was wrong for him to make a fake picture, but Peter showed no regret whatsoever as he was evil Spidey. And speaking of Topher Grace, Venom absolutely FREAKS ME OUT. Those fangs just give me the shivers. And yeah. I don't know why Venom's appearance bother me so much, I just think he's a bit scary. ;)
Gwen Stacy: I thought she was really pretty and I liked her character. I really liked when she went up to MJ and said "I'm sorry." after emo Peter was trying to impress MJ. That made me like her ten times better.
Emo Peter: I have fondly nick-named black Spidey "Emo-Peter" mostly due to eyeliner and emo hair-cut that Peter magically acquired when he started wearing the black suit. Peter's walking through NYC was lame but funny. He's a complete geek and he's doing all these cheesy moves and gestures, etc. but it was cute and funny. What was not cute and funny was when he actually started acting emo or whatever. Like when he hit MJ. Yeah. I know it was an accident, but even MJ knew that Peter would never have even gotten in that fight and he never would've hit her, even accidentally. It was so heartbreaking when MJ was like "Who are you?" That really made Peter realize that he needed to get rid of the suit. And the scene when he's trying to pull off the suit and it's like writhing all around him, I thought it was fascinating, I don't know how to describe it, but yeah.
MJ: I don't know how I felt about MJ in this movie. I felt really bad for her when Peter kissed Gwen "their way" because it's true. He shouldn't have kissed Gwen anyways, even if it was for publicity. I feel bad for MJ also because, it seems that in every movie she ends up being put in like UBER DANGER and yeah. I think MJ should like have some sort of escape plan or something. "Whenever Peter has a new enemy, make sure to not take a taxi, go to a restaurant with Peter, or stay in my apartment at night alone." I mean, it's not really new or anything, it happens every movie. Maybe MJ should get like a Spidey spotlight thingy, sorta like Batman, so that whenever she is in danger, she can call Spidey to her rescue before the bad guy kidnaps her. :D
But yeah, I felt bad for MJ most of the movie.
When she "broke-up" with Peter, I was annoyed. I thought she was going to tell him that Harry was after him and that he should beware. But no. She went and did what the freakin' enemy told her to. I know that Harry could have killed her easily, but the villains never kill the loved ones, they just threaten to.
The ending: I liked the ending, even though I didn't really like that Harry died because I like him... ;) But I thought it was realistic that MJ and Peter didn't like automatically jump into each others' arms, they just hugged. And I liked that Spider-man defeated Sandman by merely forgiving him. That was nice.
Reviews: I heard all this stuff about Spidey 3 having way too many storylines and being way too confusing. I think the average person going to see the movie understand what completely what was going on in the movie. I don't know if the movie critics have less brain power or something, but it wasn't that hard for me to understand the storyline. And seriously, there were not that many plotlines. They make it sound like freakin' Lord of the Rings. And dude, nothing gets as complicated as that. ;)
All over, I thought it was awesome. It might even be my favorite Spider-man movie. Although, I'd have to see it again, along with Spidey 2. My favorite Spidey movie has always been the first one, but I don't know...This new one was pretty good.
Ok, so this would have been such an awesome episode if it were not the season finale. But since it was the season finale, I wasn't that happy. I mean, the episode was amazing, but nothing that I wanted to happen happened. I mean, Izzie and George did not get together, Burke and Cristina didn't get married, Alex and Ava didn't get together, Bailey didn't get chief, and Meredith and Derek didn't fix up their relationship.
My favorite scene was probably when Cristina went back to her's and Burke's apartment after Burke backed out of the wedding and she says "He's gone." and then she points out that all of Burke's favorite things are gone, and then says "I'm free." I was sobbing when she was trying to get off her dress and Meredith just cut the whole thing off and then hugged her. Sandra Oh is such an amazing actress and in that moment, I felt so bad for Cristina, because the one time that you would think she would freak out, was the one time when she wanted it. And then she didn't get it. It seemed like she really wanted to get married and then Burke had to mistake her freak-out over her vows as her not wanting to get married. I just watched the scene again and I already crying.
Alex and Ava. COME ON ALEX! It's so obvious that you love Ava, and then you have to put yourself done and say that she should go with the "better man." I felt so bad for Ava when Alex didn't tell her he loved her. And then when Alex rushed back to the hospital to find Ava and tell her that he loved her and she wasn't there, I was so sad. I mean, Ava is the only person (at least I think, except for Izzie when Denny died) who Alex has been compassionate and caring with. For example, when Ava is going into surgery and she is scared, and Alex takes her hand and shows a lot of concern. And also in the surgery when he is stroking her face, and holding her hand...I hope this isn't the last time we see Ava. Seriously. Before I wanted Alex to get back with Izzie, but now Shonda has come up with other pairings which I like more. Alex/Ava and George/Izzie rock. :D
Another thing that annoyed me was when George failed his intern exams. I mean, come on! I know someone had to fail, but seriously, GEORGE? Having "known" George for 3 seasons, I highly doubt that realistically, George would have failed his exam. I mean, even Cristina said that George was a good surgeon. George performed heart surgery on that guy in the elevator. George doesn't seem like the person who would fail the exams. Plus, whenever they have shown him studying, he always knew the answer to the question. Lastly, as another fan said, I don't think that after having spent an entire year as an intern (scrubbing in on surgeries, doing hospital duties, saving peoples' lives, etc.) your entire career should depend on a multiple choice test. T.R. Knight's rep said that he's not leaving the show, and I don't think they would have George leave anyways. He's such an important character. And anyways, I really hope George doesn't leave because I love George. And I want George and Izzie to be together. :D
As for George and Izzie, Izzie's speech, although I like that she told George the truth about her feelings, was kinda hypocritical. I mean, she tells George that she will do whatever she can to help his marriage if that is what he wabts, but then she tells him that she loves him. I know Izzie is a strong person, but I think it would be really hard to help fix the marriage of a man you love. That said, I was hoping for MORE George/Izzie in the season finale. We only like got that little scene which was awesome, but then yeah. That was really sad at the end when Izzie was just sitting there, waiting for George. And Callie was watching her, I don't know why...Which reminds me, I thought that Callie shoving her triumphs in Izzie's face was a really low thing to do. It's like, are you that immature? I mean, I used to like Callie sometimes in the beginning of season 3 (sometimes I didn't like her, sometimes I did), but now I can't stand her unless she's with Addison. I mean, the rest of the time, she's always being b*tchy or whiny. To George, to Izzie, to Bailey. I'm glad that she didn't shove her win in Bailey's face though.
I know quite a few people like her, and quite a few people hate Izzie. But personally, I think Callie is a b*tch, and before there were times when Izzie was nearing the b*tch region, but I have always loved Izzie. Callie just doesn't fit in with the show as much. And I've never really liked her that much. I'm sorry, but I like every regular on the show except for her.
BAILEY SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN CHIEF RESIDENT. Like times 30496734069376094736. We don't even know that much about Callie's medical career, she is UNSTABLE and has marital drama, and Bailey PWNS times like infinity anyways. Plus, Callie is just a b*tch in general. I mean, Bailey is the ONLY person on the show who doesn't have marital or relationship drama/problems. Bailey is pretty much the ONLY completely focused person on the show. Bailey is THE BEST. I mean SERIOUSLY. The writers said that since Bailey has a family, the chief doesn't want to mess it up, but Callie is trying to have a baby, so there! This really bothered me, it's like I hope Shonda Rhimes isn't doing this just to give the show more of a "twist" or something. Or to surprise us. That would be completely stupid. Just like with George failing the exam, I don't think this would have realistically happened.
And lastly, Derek annoyed me. What was with the whole "I met a girl who just happens to be your half-sister" drama? I mean, if he really loves Meredith, why did he bring that up? It seemed a bit hypocritical of him. He creates this whole little thing for no reason and says the highlight of the week was flirting with the girl, and then tells Meredith that she's the love of his life? I liked his little speech thing, but overall it didn't really make sense. Maybe he shouldn't have told Meredith that he "couldn't keep breathing for her"...This race for chief created all these dumb problems that weren't needed because now the Chief is still Chief, which I kinda like, but DUDE what was with all the drama surrounding it when it ended up being for no reason? I mean, if Derek hadn't thought that Meredith would get in the way of his being chief, none of their relationship problems would have happened.
I was a pretty annoyed with Meredith when she didn't try to fix their relationship, etc. But that annoyance didn't last long because I really liked how Meredith comforted Cristina. I mean, I hope Derek and Meredith eventually get back together and I think they will, but I didn't have as big an issue with that as with some other things.
Ok, ALL DONE. Now on to The Office, which I will shorten. ;)
The ending made me SQUEE for like 5 minutes. I mean, that was better than a kiss, which I was hoping for!!! The writers definitely did not disappoint. I mean, this made me SO HAPPY after being depressed by Grey's Anatomy. ;)
And OMG KAREN CAN REALLY BE A B*TCH. Like when she called Pam one. That was completely uncalled for! I mean, how was Pam a b*tch by not apologizing for what she said? At least she apologized for making Karen feel awkward...she could have just not apologized at all. And then when Pam and Jim were laughing about Jan's boobs (LOL) and Karen just had to step in and ruin it. Pam was not to happy about that and neither was I. :D And then later on, when Jan was having her breakdown and Karen was smirking? Kinda heartless. I mean, Jan definitely went kinda psycho, but Karen didn't need to smirk. And Jim would never do that.
As for Ryan getting the job, I feel that Jim must have turned it down or something because Jim was way more qualified for it than Ryan. I can see Jim admitting that he doesn't want to leave Scranton and saying that he has decided not to take it. I mean, the CFO obviously really likes Jim (remember when they played basketball together?) and I think he definitely would have given Jim the job if Pam wasn't back in Scranton waiting for Jim...AWWWWWWW...And the note and Yogurt lid!!!! "Don't forget us when you're famous." OMG. So cute. And Jim kept on looking at it.
Which reminds me, isn't Karen more qualified for the job also? I mean, Ryan was just a temp! And he hasn't made a sale, as Michael likes to point out.
But whatever...
I can just imagine a conversation with John Krasiniski...
JKras: "Do you think I'm hot?"
Miriam: "Absolutely, I do."
Btw everyone, go check out
tolerancewrong, she just made some AMAZING Jim/Pam icons from the latest episode. Just my favorites:
Ok, goodbye for now...
Don't yell at me Skaters...please. I know my ship is kinda sinking, but that one line just made me SQUEE for like the first time in a long time...well, about Lost at least. ;)
And OMG. I'm going to see Shrek the Third this afternoon. So excited to hear JKras in it!!!! :D :D