I was spinning free with a little sweet and simple numbing me

Apr 17, 2006 12:01

Holla back youngin' woo wooo
Heyo friends. So I had a final this morning at 8:30, and I have another at 2:30. So what does Katie do? She watches the pilot episode of Kenny vs. Spenny (Who can gain the most weight in one week?), goes on livejournal while listening to music really loud on her headphones (I don't want to disturb the ones who are actually studying). This exam is for the class that I failed last semester. My prof's course is set up in three equivalent exams, and this'll be the 6th exam I've written of his, and I have yet to pass one. Who does that?? I mean I've failed 5 out of 5 exams I've written for him, and everything is so much easier when you've already done it once. I've been to see him and everything, and everyone in his class knows that unless you're on the same mind "wavelength" as him, his exams questions are "tricky" and you pretty much have no chance. Because how can you do well on the last one when you haven't done well on any of the other ones you've written and you've studied for all of them?? This is codswallop.

I have a crazy headache and it's killing me. I haven't had a good solid headache for so long, so when my head was hurting I had to think about why it was hurting, but now I'm running solid on a three-day headache, and I somehow don't think I'll forget the feeling ever again.

Hmm so I guess I should get to do sooooome work. Listening to Tiny Dancer isn't going to make me any smarter in Cognitive Psychology (thank god I'm swtiching out of psychology, this shit is so boring). Well toot-a-loo!

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