Jun 11, 2007 15:27
I never get on LJ anymore these days. I'm like a ghost around here now a days.
Work keeps me on my toes all the time so there's not much time left to play. oh well.
My new position rocks. Always busy....so the days go by really fast which is nice.
The second job on the weekend rocks too.
I got a raise and a promotion. a whole $0.50 whoot whoot!~
But it's fun.
Might be buying and/or renting a condo/townhome on the far east side. ... in the boonies from the rest of my friends LOL but hey it means me getting the freakin A out of my apt.
I'm sorry. $600 a month for a 1 bed apt by myself NOT including util. is just not reasonable for me. I can't keep up with that plus a new car payment and more expensice insurace. So I've contacted the Tenants Advocacy and they might be helping me out. I had some bad subcontractors touching my things and the apt complex gave me a not even quite 2nd rate house cleaning, I have a scorpion problem. They're coming in and up through the drains and I'm finding them in the showers and on the couches and beds and one of my guests was stung. and finally..........my vehicle was stolen. This is the whack shit... they have insufficient evening/night security and inadequade overhead lighting in the parking structures and m y vehicle was stolen. They are lucky I was not attacked and / or raped in the dark there because that's a multi million dollar lawsuit right there. It's happened before. SOOOOO...I want to break my lease and I don't want to pay for it. So there.
What else?? Um..........going to see Linkin Park and HIM and My Chemical Romance.
Not a fan of MCR...seen them before. they're aaiiiight. HIM .. I'm stoked to see them! and Linkin Park....I like their music but they're dicks. arrogant rude stuck up assholes. 2nd hand opionion from a reliable source LOL.
Thanks Marcy for the tix, you rock.
I want to see Marilyn Manson and Slayer in August.
Goth crowd + metal head crowd + cricket pavillion = um.......... I just want lawn tix so I can see the crowd action from a safe distance LOL
Been depressed lately. Don't know why. Hormonal PMS mother fuckers + overall stress = grumpy Panda.
and to make it all worse, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,. Never seen it before. It made me think of all the things in my life that I want to forget and all the things I wouldn't no matter how painful. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment but the most painful thing in my life I do not want to forget. It's all the douchie little butt fucks (not literally) that I want to forget. Go figure.
Um.... still fat. Still trying to lose weight. It's not working. I just keep getting bigger. It's gross. I think I need a new doc.
New thyroid meds maybe... we'll see.
And I just heard thunder...I just saw lightening, and a drop of rain! WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!
Peace out homies.